Week 7: What Have You Learned?   View Full Description  Forum Guidance: I need help writing my essay – research paper read the instructions in each forum area carefully. Make your initial post by Wednesday, 11:55 p.m. ET. All other replies are due by Sunday, 11:55 p.m. ET.  Each initial post should be at least 250 words. Also, respond to at least TWO fellow students’ initial posts with at least 50 words each. I need help writing my essay – research paper do not simply compliment them on a job well done. Ask questions and/or provide thoughtful insight and continue the discussion they have started. You are also expected to reply to anyone who responds to your initial post. Remember, this is our place for our classroom discussion, so it’s important to keep the conversation going!  Label your parts for easy reading. Ace my homework – Write in complete sentences but do not copy and paste the questions or instructions into your post. (This will not count towards your word count requirements.) Put all required parts in ONE initial post. Save your work to your desktop (or USB, cloud, etc.) first. Then copy and paste your work into the forum area using the “Paste as Plain Text” or “Paste from Word” icons. Use the “Start a New Conversation” button for your initial post. Click “Reply” to respond to fellow students’ posts. Your instructor will submit your work through Turnitin, so please ensure that your posts are completely your own work.

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