Assignment Instructions One of the most important aspects of the learning process is applying feedback provided by your instructor. For this Assignment, here is what you need to do. Review your instructor’s comments and the iRubric carefully. Revise your second essay (Essay 2, Week 5) to show that you understand and have applied the feedback provided. (Example: Perhaps you were marked down for using second person (you): “You are exposing yourself to many dangers if you smoke.” Simply correct the error: “Smoking presents many dangers.” The sentence is now in third person.) Save your essay as follows: Smith_REVISED_Essay2. We will not use Turnitin for this Assignment since your essay was previously submitted. I need help writing my essay – research paper note that your essay will NOT be regraded. Your instructor will examine your paper to see if you have made the necessary corrections. If so, you will receive full credit for this Assignment. (Important: It is unlikely that you will receive partial credit for this Assignment. If you have not made the necessary corrections, your instructor might ask you to revise and resubmit before you are given full credit. Your success in this course hinges on your learning from feedback, so you must be able to demonstrate that your writing is improving as we move along in this course.) Finally, at the bottom of your essay (after your Works Cited), please respond the following questions. Do you understand your feedback? Do you have any questions for your instructor? Do you have any problems or concerns that you would like to discuss with your instructor? Is there anything we can do to help? That’s it! Good luck and let me know if you have questions.
TCHR3004 Report Assessment One Brief
Leadership Styles in Early Childhood Education: A Report on Transformational Leadership This report examines transformational leadership as an aspirational leadership style for early childhood educators. It explores the key principles and theoretical foundations of transformational leadership, provides examples of how to enact this style in practice, and critically reviews its influence on management in early […]