HSE 215 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
As a human services practitioner, you will mostly likely work with children and families at some point in your career, during which you may need to provide
support to children from birth to adolescence, as well as to their parents or guardians. This necessitates determining age-specific needs and risk and resiliency
factors to recommend programs that are best tailored to address these needs and factors. As there may be gaps in service, you may also, at times, need to
research interventions to fill these gaps. In this final project, you will be asked to do exactly this. Not only will you evaluate a current community or school-based
program for the extent to which its interventions are tailored to meet the client’s needs, but you will also identify gaps in service and research an intervention to
fill these gaps, and create a plan to implement it. This plan will include a way to measure outcomes and incorporate evidence-based practices to ensure the
intervention is meeting its intent.
The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Four, and Five. The final submission is due in Module Seven.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
• Assess the extent to which community and school-based resources and intervention programs address the developmental needs of children
• Determine the impact of developmental risk and resiliency factors on treatment and intervention programs for child growth and development
• Formulate intervention strategies that promote improvements in the personal and social function of children living in diverse circumstances
• Explain the use of evidence-based practices and outcomes measurement within child growth and developmental resources
For this evaluation, you will identify a community or school-based program in your geographical area or in an area of your choice. You will determine the targeted
age group of the program, and this will be your focus of study. (If the program targets more than one age group, simply choose one of the groups.) Using this age
group and the program, you will determine how the interventions provided within the program either address or do not address the age-specific developmental
needs and risk and resiliency factors of the children. After identifying gaps in services, you will research and select an intervention to address these gaps,
providing justification around the selection.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Introduction: Select a community or school-based program that serves children, and describe the targeted age group and related risk and resiliency
factors. Include the following:
A. Provide an introduction by describing the purpose of the evaluation and how it will be completed. Do this by stating the purpose and describing the
process of the evaluation (generally, the sections of your report).
B. Identify one community or school-based program from your geographical area or the area of your choice. Examples include, but are not limited to,
YWCA/YMCA programs, Boys & Girls Club, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Early Head Start, Head Start, mental health services, child development services,
and after-school programs. Be sure to indicate whether the program is community or school-based.
C. Identify the age group served by the program. Typical age groups include infancy (0–3), early childhood (3–5), middle childhood (5–12), and
adolescence (13–18). If the program serves multiple age groups, select and identify one group you will address.
D. Identify the major developmental needs and risk and resiliency factors of your selected age group. Refer to the Definitions handout (linked within
the Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric document) for an explanation of developmental needs, risk factors, and resiliency factors; refer to the
textbook for age-specific developmental needs and risks, and to the assigned web resources for the resiliency factors. This section may be presented
in paragraph or bulleted-list format.
1. Developmental needs include but are not limited to learning to walk and run, reading and writing, gaining independence, and making friends.
2. Risk factors include poor parenting skills, drug use in the household, social isolation, living in a high-crime neighborhood, and others.
3. Resiliency factors include appropriate parenting, good schools, reading and writing supported in the home, healthy meals, appropriate
developmental supports, high self-esteem, and others.
E. Write a page paper – Describe the service (intervention) or services (interventions) provided by the program. Your description should provide some detail without
overwhelming the reader. Briefly describing the specific activities provided by the program and their stated purpose, if provided.
II. Analysis: Analyze the selected community or school-based program. Determine which risk and resiliency factors the program address regarding your
targeted age group and why? Write a page paper – Describe how well the interventions address personal and social (socioemotional) functioning, and how they could be
improved. Keep in mind that some programs incorporate evidence in their practices, while others may not. It is important that you consider the
accumulation of evidence for the age group you are targeting. Is there sufficient evidence to support inclusion of the interventions? Include at least
three research studies for one intervention.
A. What are the most important needs of the selected age group with respect to the personal and social functioning targeted by the program?
What is the importance of addressing these needs? For example, why is learning to cooperate so important for infants?
B. In what ways are the program’s interventions tailored to the unique developmental needs, risk and resiliency factors of the targeted age group?
For example, teaching cooperation should take different forms for different age groups. Explain why this is important?
C. In what ways are the program’s interventions not tailored to the unique developmental needs, risk and resiliency factors of the targeted age
group? Are they too generalized, or more appropriate for a different age group?
D. What is the role this program and its interventions play in promoting the improvement of personal and social functioning of children from birth
to adolescence? In other words, how does this program contribute to the development of the future adult? Provide specific examples.
E. Explain how this program and its interventions incorporate or fail to incorporate evidence-based practices. Some questions to consider include
the following: How are evidence-based practices used? Are they incorporated into the program interventions? What evidence is provided that
tell us the practices are effective? What benefit does incorporation of these practices provide? Are there any drawbacks to them not being
incorporated? Where are the opportunities for further incorporation of evidence-based practices, and how did you identify these gaps?
F. How do risk and resiliency factors for the targeted age group influence the type of interventions provided by the program?
G. How do the specific interventions take into consideration risk and resiliency factors?
II. Intervention Plan: Now that you have identified the needs of the target age group and evaluated the efficacy and utility of the community program you
have selected, propose an additional intervention. Your intervention should help strengthen the program by promoting personal and social
(socioemotional) functioning and incorporating outcome measurement and evidence-based practices. You will research current interventions and
recommend an intervention plan that best fits the age group and program.
A. Based on your research, what is an intervention that would add to the effectiveness of the program in promoting personal and social
(socioemotional) functioning for children living in differing circumstances? How would the intervention promote personal and social
B. How would you take different cultures into consideration when applying this intervention? Provide an example.
C. What outcomes would be expected from this new intervention? What is one method of measuring whether the intervention met the desired
outcomes, and how would this method be applied to the intervention? How would the outcomes be measured?
D. Does this intervention constitute an evidence-based practice, or include evidence-based practices? What is the evidence that supports the
practice(s)? Alternatively, how could evidence-based practices be applied to this intervention, and what would be the benefit of doing this? How
would the practice(s) support the intervention in meeting the desired outcomes?
E. How will this intervention consider the risk and resiliency factors of the specific age group? How would addressing these factors benefit the
intervention in promoting personal and social functioning?
F. What are ways the intervention will reduce risk and increase resiliency factors? How will the intervention do this?
Milestone One: Draft of Introduction
In Module Two, you will submit part I., the introduction, of the program evaluation. This milestone is graded with the Milestone One Rubric.
Milestone Two: Draft of Analysis
In Module Four, you will submit a draft of the analysis section, including all critical elements as listed in section II. In writing your draft, be sure to specify the
chosen age group and their needs that will be addressed by the intervention that you are planning for section III of your program evaluation. Look for specific
evidence-based practices that will support this target group and their development. Include some risk and resiliency factors that you believe the interventions
will address. This draft should be at least 2 pages in length, in addition to a separate references page. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.
Milestone Three: Draft of Intervention Plan
In Module Five, you will submit a draft of the intervention plan, including all critical elements as listed in section III. The plan will add to the effectiveness of the
program in promoting personal and social functioning for children living in diverse circumstances. How will the intervention reduce developmental risk and
increase resiliency? This draft should be at least 2 pages in length, in addition to a separate references page. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Three
Final Submission: Program Evaluation
In Module Seven, you will submit the Program Evaluation in its final form. It should be a complete, polished paper containing all the critical elements of the final
product. It should also reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. Your final paper is graded with the Final Project Rubric.
Milestone Deliverable Module Due Grading
One Draft of Introduction Two Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric
Two Draft of Analysis Four Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric
Three Draft of Intervention Plan Five Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric
Final Submission: Community Program
Seven Graded separately; Final Project Rubric
Final Project Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your community program evaluation must be 4–6 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and written in APA format. Use
double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Include at least five references cited in APA format.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Introduction Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
details and examples provide
insight into how the program
and factors connect
Provides accurate and detailed
contextualizing information
about the selected program
Provides contextualizing
information on the selected
program, but information is
inaccurate or lacks detail
Does not provide
contextualizing information
Analysis: Needs of
Chosen Age Group
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides concrete examplesto
substantiate claims
Accurately identifies
developmental needs of the
selected age group related to
personal and social functioning
Identifies developmental needs
of the age group, but does not
connect these to personal and
social functioning, is missing
information, or is inaccurate
Does not identify
developmental needs
Interventions Tailored
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
incorporatesin-depth analysis
and supporting detail or
Accurately assesses how the
program’sinterventions are
tailored to developmental
needs of the selected age group
Assesses how the program’s
interventions are tailored to
developmental needs of the
age group, but with gaps in
accuracy or completeness
Does not assess how
interventions are tailored to
meet developmental needs of
the age group
Interventions Not
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
incorporatesin-depth analysis
and supporting detail or
Accurately assesses how the
program’sinterventions are not
tailored to developmental
needs of the age group
Assesses how the program’s
interventions are not tailored to
developmental needs of the
age group, but with gaps in
accuracy or completeness
Does not assess how
interventions are not tailored to
meet developmental needs of
the age group
Analysis: Personal
and Social
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
providesin-depth analysis and
supporting material or evidence
Write a page paper – Describe s how the program
promotesthe improvement of
personal and social functioning
of children, providing concrete
Write a page paper – Describe s how the program
promotesthe improvement of
personal and social functioning
of children, but does not
provide concrete examples
Does not describe how the
program promotesthe
improvement of personal and
social functioning of children
Analysis: EvidenceBased Practices
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides concrete examplesto
substantiate claims
Explains how the program
incorporates evidence-based
practices and discussesrelated
benefits and/or drawbacks
Either does not explain how the
program incorporates evidencebased practices or does not
discussrelated benefits and
Does not explain how the
program incorporates evidencebased practices and does not
discussrelated benefits or
Analysis: Risk and
Resiliency Factors
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
providesin-depth analysis and
concrete examples
Accurately describes how risk
and resiliency factors of the age
group influence the type of
intervention selected
Write a page paper – Describe s how risk and
resiliency factors of the age
group influence the type of
intervention, but information is
inaccurate or incomplete
Does not describe how risk and
resiliency factors of the age
group influence the type of
Analysis: Intervention
and Risk and
Resiliency Factors
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
providesin-depth analysis and
concrete examples
Accurately describes how the
intervention takesinto
consideration risk and resiliency
factors of the age group
Write a page paper – Describe s how the intervention
takesinto consideration risk
and resiliency factors of the age
group, but description is
inaccurate or incomplete
Does not describe how the
intervention takesinto
consideration risk and resiliency
factors of the age group
Intervention Plan:
Personal and Social
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
providessupporting material or
evidence to justify assertion of
promoting personal and social
Identifies an additional
intervention that promotes
personal and social functioning
in diverse circumstances,
providing justification
Identifies an additional
intervention, but does not
specify how it promotes
personal and social functioning
of diverse children
Does not identify an
intervention plan and does not
specify how it promotes
personal and social functioning
of diverse children
Intervention Plan:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
providesin-depth analysis and
supporting material
Explains how the intervention
would consider different
cultures, providing a concrete
Explains how the intervention
would consider different
cultures, but does not provide a
concrete example
Does not explain how the
intervention would consider
different cultures
Intervention Plan:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
providessupporting material or
Identifies at least one
appropriate intervention
outcome, and providesin-depth
illustration of how a method of
collecting outcomes would be
applied to the intervention
Identifies at least one
appropriate intervention
outcome, and provides
illustration of how a method of
collecting outcomes would be
applied to the intervention, but
illustration isincomplete
Does not provide an appropriate
intervention outcome in-depth
illustration of how a method of
collecting outcomes would be
applied to the intervention
Intervention Plan:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
providessupporting material or
Illustrates how the intervention
is evidence-based, and/or how
an evidence-based practice
could be applied to the
intervention and the impact on
the outcomes
Illustrates how the intervention
is evidence-based, or how an
evidence-based practice could
be applied to the intervention
but not the impact on the
Does not illustrate how the
intervention is evidence-based
or how an evidence-based
practice could be applied to the
intervention or the impact on
the outcomes
Intervention Plan:
Risk and Resiliency
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
providesin-depth analysis and
concrete examples
Accurately explains how the
intervention strategy accounts
for the risk and resiliency
factorsfor the age group
Illustrates how the intervention
strategy accountsfor the risk
and resiliency factors for the
age group, but illustration is
inaccurate or incomplete
Does not illustrate how the
intervention strategy accounts
for the risk and resiliency
factors of the age group
Intervention Plan:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
providesin-depth analysis and
concrete examples
Accurately illustrates how the
intervention strategy will
reduce risk and increase
resiliency for the age group
Illustrates how the intervention
strategy will reduce risk and
increase resiliency for the age
group, but information is
inaccurate or incomplete
Does not illustrate how the
intervention strategy will
reduce risk and resiliency
factorsfor the age group
Articulation of
Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented in
a professional and easy-to-read
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
readability and articulation of
main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Total 100%
Access Control Methods
Security Question (60 points) Research some of the access control methods that are utilized within your organization. For example, does your organization leverage public key infrastructure (PKI), key card authentication, or login hours? If you are not currently working, what access control methods have you seen, and how effective were the control methods? Explore the […]