It can easily be argued that the First World War was the first “total war” in human history. Using examples from the book you have chosen, the poems by “war poets” and the personal accounts of the war, describe the experiences of soldiers during the war.
How were these men affected by the conditions and nature of warfare on the Western Front—what did the “lost generation” actually lose? You may want to consider the physical and psychological impact of the war on the men who served.
You may also want to review this brief movie WW1 Combat in Colour, 1914-1918 (Links to an external site.)
to help you get started. Please note that this source should not be referenced in your paper.
I. Literary Sources (1 Must Be In Your Paper)
• All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
• Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo
II. Primary Sources (All 3 Must Be In Your Paper)
• Vera Britain, Facts of Life
• First World War poems (Choose 2)
Term Paper Grading Rubric_Update
Term Paper Grading Rubric_Update
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArgument 53.0 to >46.5 pts
Contains a clear thesis and solid argument; displays understanding of the sources and uses them to support the argument; shows analytical skill and creativity. 46.5 to >40.5 pts
Contains a mostly clear thesis and solid argument; displays understanding of the sources and uses them to support the argument; shows some analytical skill and creativity. 40.5 to >0 pts
Does not contain a clear thesis/solid argument; does not display an understanding of the sources and use them to support the argument; shows little analytical skill and creativity.
53.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat 10.0 to >7.5 pts
Contains consistent citations, one-inch margins; no extra-spacing between paragraphs; is the appropriate length. 7.5 to >3.5 pts
Contains mostly consistent citations; one-inch margins; extra-spacing between paragraphs; is paginated and is about the appropriate length. 3.5 to >0 pts
Does not contain consistent referencing of citations; one-inch margins throughout; has extra spacing between paragraphs; is not paginated nor is the paper of the appropriate length.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization 8.0 to >6.0 pts
Contains a clear introduction with an argument; contains a clear conclusion summarizing the argument; each paragraph contains one idea 6.0 to >3.0 pts
Contains an introduction with a somewhat clear argument; contains a conclusion that almost summarizes the argument; each paragraph contains one idea 3.0 to >0 pts
Does not contain a clear introduction with an argument; does not contain a clear conclusion summarizing argument; each paragraph contains more than one idea
8.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeForm 8.0 to >6.0 pts
Has few grammatical errors; is not written in formal prose; contains no contractions 6.0 to >3.0 pts
Has a few grammatical errors; is mostly written in formal prose; contains few contractions 3.0 to >0 pts
Has several grammatical errors; is not written in formal prose; contains several contractions
8.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources 8.0 to >6.0 pts
Has used all assigned readings for the assignment. 6.0 to >3.0 pts
Has used most of the assigned readings for the assignment. 3.0 to >0 pts
Has used few of the assigned readings for the assignment.
8.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper Title 2.0 to >0.0 pts
Student titled paper as assigned. 0.0 pts
Student did not title paper as assigned. 0.0 pts
Student did not title paper.
2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePage Numbers 1.5 to >0.5 pts
Student included page numbers. 0.5 to >0.0 pts
Competent 0.0 pts
Student did not include page numbers.
1.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBibliography 2.0 to >0.0 pts
Student included a complete works cited/bibliography page. 0.0 pts
Student included a works cited/bibliography page, but it was incomplete. 0.0 pts
Student did not include a works cited/bibliography page.
2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSource Introductions 2.5 to >1.5 pts
Student properly introduced all of the sources included in the paper. 1.5 to >1.0 pts
Student properly introduced some of the sources included in the paper. 1.0 to >0 pts
Student did not properly introduce sources included in the paper.
2.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuote Formatting 2.5 to >0.0 pts
Student did not use correct formatting for quoted text. 0.0 pts
Student used mostly correct formatting for quoted text. 0.0 pts
Student used correct formatting for all quoted text.
2.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNo Outside Materials 2.5 to >0.0 pts
Student used only the sources that were allowed. 0.0 pts
Competent 0.0 pts
Student used sources that were not assigned for the term paper.
2.5 pts
Total Points: 100.0