Add the following to your Action Research Project essay specializing area in Reading literacy. 

Respond to the following in Part C; Part D; Part E. Using Ace homework tutors – APA style and reference.

Part C: Making a Plan : Ace my homework – Write ½ page
· Describe a strategy, intervention, or some other action that you might implement to address the problem you identified in your research question(s).
· Explain the change(s) you plan to make in your teaching, your classroom, or your outreach to improve learning.

Part D: Collaboration: Ace my homework – Write ½ page
· Articulate your plan for working with teaching colleagues and/or administration throughout the action research process. 
· Explain, with rationale, the different types of collaboration in which you will engage as your work through your action research plan.

Part E: Create a Timeline: Ace my homework – Write ½ page
· Create and explain a graphical representation of a timeline you plan to follow for the rest of your action research project.

(View assignment attachment & copy of draft literature review and revised research questions)

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