How to Pack an Emergency Kit for Any Disaster

This week you will put together your 72-hour disaster home “go bag” and evaluate your preparedness.

Here are the steps for your initial post:

1. Use the lists available at the website, FEMA, or the Red Cross website to gather items for your 72-hour home go bag. Add additional items that you think will be useful and essential for your family. (You are not required to purchase items, but you may if you choose.)

2. Post a picture of all of the items you have gathered for your go bag. For the sake of personal and family privacy, keep personal/private items out of the photograph; you may list them (e.g., prescription medications).

· You must take and submit a picture of your own items! You may not post a picture from the internet or any other source.

Along with your photo, include the following information:

· A discussion of the items in your home go bag – what is present and what is missing.

· A brief explanation of the demographic considerations and potential disaster hazards in your area and why you included certain items.

· Your family, pets, and living situation considerations and why you included certain items.

· Are you prepared to help others in your community in the event of a disaster?

Support your answers with evidence from scholarly sources.

In your replies to peers, you may:

· Make suggestions for items to add or additional go bag ideas for children, pets, etc.

· Share ideas for cost-effective ways to add items.

· Ask questions about why some items are included, if it was not explained in the post.

· Share additional websites and preparedness lists.

Example: “I felt it was interesting that you chose to include a fishing pole. What else would you need to include to assure the proper use of this tool? This is a resource that may not be useful to everyone but in our area, we could benefit from this important tool. According to Veneema…”

Additional Resources

How to Pack an Emergency Kit for Any Disaster

How to Put Together a Family Emergency Kit


How to Put Together an Emergency Kit for Any Disaster
How to Put Together an Emergency Kit for Any Disaster

This week, you’ll assemble your 72-hour disaster house “go pack” and assess your readiness.

Here are the steps to make your first post:

1. Gather goods for your 72-hour home go bag using the lists available on the, FEMA, or Red Cross websites. Add any more products that you believe will be beneficial and necessary for your family. (You are not obligated to buy anything, although you may if you choose.)

2. Upload a photo of everything you’ve gathered for your go bag. Keep personal/private elements out of the shot for the protection of personal and family privacy;

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