How to measure outcomes: Summative and formative

Develop your program and lesson outcomes. What should participants achieve by the end of the educational program? How will you know they have learned and/or changed behavior? You will need to decide on the overall purpose of the program and how many lessons you will have. There should be a minimum of 5. You do not need to detail the lesson activities yet but will need to identify what they will be in order to write the outcomes of each.


How to assess outcomes: summative and formative assessments

Create your lesson plan and objectives. By the completion of the instructional program, what should participants be able to do? What evidence will you have that they have learned and/or modified their behavior? You’ll need to decide on the program’s overarching goal and how many lessons you’ll have. A minimum of 5 should be present. You don’t need to go into depth about the instructional activities just yet; you’ll need to figure out what they are so you can describe the outcomes for each.

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