This is where you will post your orientation program for other students to view and where you will view other students’ presentations.To do:
Post your orientation program by the end of the day on Thursday (11:59PM ET). I need help writing my essay – research paper review the user guide for detailed instructions on how to submit a video assignment.
View 2 other students’ presentations by the end of the day on Sunday (11:59PM ET) and for each presentation answer the following:
Did the job description sufficiently outline the duties and responsibilities of the position? Do the personal qualifications and qualities seem appropriate due to the demands of the position?
Did the site orientation give you a good feel for what it would be like to live and work in the city? What would you want more information about?
What did you learn that was new to you about the business and social protocol of the country?
Even if it is not your ideal job, would you like to work in this hotel? In this city? Why or why not?
It is anticipated that your review for each presentation will be approximately 500 words in length (one page, single spaced).