Subject Title Bar and Mixology
Subject Code HOS202A
Assessment Title Assessment 4: Report
Graduate Capabilities
• Professional Expertise
• Innovative Problem Solving
• Agile Leadership
• Independent Self Management
Learning Outcome/s (found in the Subject Outline) b. Differentiate beverages based upon their type, production method, region and flavour profile.
c. Design a beverage based on sensory perception, venue and clientele.
d. Apply effective communication and digital literacy.
Assessment type Individual
Weighting % 30%
Word count 2000 +/- 10%
Due day Week 11 at 23.59 on Sunday
Submission type Turnitin ? (no hard copy required)
Layout of Assessment Report:
ICMS Cover Page
Table of Contents
Executive Homework help – Summary
• Name and style of the bar
• Service
• Food
• Drinks List
• Explanation for Drinks List
• Recipe Card
Reference List
Appendices (Optional)
Assessment instructions
You are required to write a report on your own newly created bar in NSW. You will need to select a theme- there are some examples listed at the end of this assessment outline or you can choose your own (pending approval from your lecturer).
You will need to confirm your theme by week 2.
The bar must offer cocktails, a range of wines, spirits and beers relevant to your establishment. The bar must also have a “House” or “Signature” cocktail. The bar must be original; however, you can use information from existing establishments to inspire your venue- ensure you reference these.
Your report must be referenced according to the ICMS Style Guide with Ace homework tutors – APA references.
Findings should include:
Research that you believe is necessary to support your work.
Name and Style of the Bar
• Must be appropriate to the theme and market.
• Explain briefly the facilities and level of service e.g. luxury brand.
• Outline the venue’s sequence of service- state if it is table service or order at the bar, or both.
• Produce a sequence of service for your venue in line with your brand.
Food Menu
• Provide a summary of the style of food offered and justify how it is in keeping with the style of your bar. E.g. small plates, comfort food, seafood, modern Australian etc.
• Explain briefly why offering food is important to the business.
Drinks List
• You must create a Drinks List. You may draw inspiration from other similar style venues (must be referenced).
• Your Drinks List must contain the following sections (but not limited to): Wines, Beers, Cocktails, Spirits and Soft Drinks.
• You must justify your choices of the above by outlining their relevance to your venue.
• Outline how the choice of Food and Beverages complement each other. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include some discussion about why your drinks are relevant to the theme and food matching.
Signature/ House Cocktail
• Create a Signature/ House Cocktail
• The recipe card for your Signature/ House cocktail must include, glassware, ingredients, volumes, garnishes and any decorations. It must also include a short method description using correct terminology on how it should be prepared along with a picture. The picture can be a photo, diagram or hand drawn image.
Readings for the assessment Class and Moodle content and the Resources links on Moodle.
Carlin, J. M. (2013). Cocktails: A Global History. Reaktion Books. (eBook linked on Moodle)
DeGroff, D. (2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer). The Craft of the Cocktail: Everything You Need to Know to Be a Master Bartender, with 500 Recipes. Clarkson Potter. (In the library) DeGroff, D. (2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer). The Essential Cocktail: The Art of Mixing Perfect Drinks. Clarkson Potter.(In the library)
Difford’s Guide:
Imbibe: The Ultimate Drinks Magazine: Van der Wagen, L (2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online) Hospitality management. (4th ed.) Melbourne: Cengage.
Student also needs to demonstrate some independent research.
Grading Criteria / Rubric See below
Assessment?4: Cocktail Preparation and Service Rubric
Criteria HD (85-100) D (75-84) CR
(65-74) PASS
(50-64) FAIL (0-49)
Name and service offering
A highly original venue name reflecting the theme. Services
compliment the theme
well and show ingenuity and originality- highly
relevant to the chosen theme of the venue. An original venue name reflecting the chosen theme. Service
offerings are
appropriate and show flairs of originality A suitable venue name relevant to the chosen
theme. Services are appropriate to the
venue theme but could be expanded further. An acceptable name for the venue. Services are somewhat generic and
needed to reflect the theme to a greater extent. The name of the venue shows little thought and
needed to reflect the theme. Service
offerings are generic
and/ or inappropriate to the venue theme and setting.
Sequence of
(20%)? Highly tailored to the selected theme.
Touches throughout that link back to the ethos and tell a story of the
venue. Every detail is
necessary, relevant and
demonstrates a deep understanding of operations. Well tailored to the theme. Incorporated the
name/ theme in a few touches during the
service sequence. A
thorough understanding
of food and beverage operations demonstrated. A solid sequence of service delivered.
Some evidence of attempts to incorporate the identity of the venue within the service delivery. Some parts needed more attention and detail. An acceptable sequence of service. Some
understanding of the
operation on display but incorporates generic
steps without evidence of tailoring. The sequence of service is highly generic and shows no
application of the
concept. Some steps not included and a
general lack of detail included.
Drinks and Food offering (15%)? The entire offering is highly considered, relevant and The beverages menu has been specifically designed for the venue, and it is organized into sections that correspond to the theme while still featuring crowd pleasers. The food selection is up to date with current trends and requirements, and it has a strong connection to the overall concept of the event. The food and beverage selections have been carefully considered and chosen. It is appropriate for the theme, and it is in conformity with current trends and legal requirements. A suitable selection of food and beverages has been chosen for the occasion. It is appropriate for the topic, and it is in conformity with current trends and legislation. To portray the theme in greater depth, the sections may have been more thoughtfully divided into subsections. In some ways, the food and beverage selection reflects the theme, but it could have used a little more thinking.
Some sections are too generic and should be revised to take into account current trends and/or regulations. The drinks and meal selection are both lacking in depth of thought. It’s lacking portions and/or details, among other things.
It’s possible that some sections are completely absent. This information does not reflect current legislation or trends.
An Explanation of the Offer (20 percent ) The explanation and rationale provided are true and comprehensive in their content. High-level application of material learned in class, with strong connections to the chosen theme, as well as clear, polished reasoning and justification of choices demonstrated throughout the project. The explanation is well-thought-out and comprehensive.
Excellent application of the concepts learned in class to the theme, as well as reasoning for the selections. General accuracy and completeness of the text can be found throughout.
Show some evidence of applying some of the ideas learned in class to the selected theme. It is possible that the content or explanation is erroneous or incomplete. It is necessary to provide further detail and explanation. It is necessary to provide more reasoning for decisions. Inaccurate or excessively generic content is present. A failure to apply theory, as well as a failure to link back to or apply the theory to the theme
Cocktail that has become famous (20 percent ) The trademark cocktail is unique, suited for the topic, and demonstrates a high level of creativity. Without any additional assistance, the recipe card can be easily followed and copied. The signature cocktail is one-of-a-kind and perfectly complements the chosen theme. The recipe card is simple to follow and may be simply duplicated. The signature cocktail is appropriate for the occasion.
While it is possible to follow the recipe card, the directions do not flow as well as they should. The trademark cocktail is appropriate for the subject of the evening.
appropriate. The drinks
offering is highly tailored to the venue, presented in sections appropriate to the theme whilst still including crowd
pleasers. The food
offering is compliant with modern trends and
requirements and links back effectively to the theme. The food and beverage offering has been
thoughtfully selected. It’s appropriate to the theme, in accordance with trends and legislation. An appropriate food and beverage offering
has been selected. It’s appropriate to the
theme, in accordance with trends and
legislation. Sections
could have been more
thoughtfully broken down to reflect the theme in greater depth. The food and beverage offering reflects the theme in parts but
needed more thought.
Some parts are generic and needed greater
consideration of trends and/ or legislation. The drinks and food offering lacks depth of thought. It’s missing
sections and/ or detail.
Some sections may be missing entirely. Does not reflect legislation and/ or trends.
Explanation of Offering (20%) The explanation and justification is accurate and comprehensive. High level application of theory covered in class, linking back well to the
chosen theme and clear refined reasoning and
justification of choices demonstrated throughout. The explanation is well reasoned and detailed.
Good application of theory covered in class to the theme and justification of choices. The content is generally accurate and
reasonably complete.
Evidence of some application of the
theory covered class to the chosen theme. Content/ explanation is sometimes inaccurate or incomplete. Needs
further expansion and explanation. Greater
justification of choices required. Content is inaccurate or overly general. Lack of application of theory
and no linking back or application to the theme.
Signature cocktail (20%) The signature cocktail is original, appropriate to the theme and shows
creative flair. The recipe card can easily be
followed and replicated without any guidance. The signature cocktail is original and
appropriate to the
chosen theme. The recipe card can be
replicated and easily followed. The signature cocktail is fitting of the theme.
The recipe card can be followed but the
instructions don’t flow as well as they could do. The signature cocktail is adequate to the theme.
It lacks originality and needed to demonstrate greater creative flair.
Possibly some information missing from the recipe card. The signature cocktail is unsatisfactory. It
needs to reflect the
theme to a greater
extent. The recipe card is unclear and difficult to follow and/ or with information missing.
Writing: Structure, spelling, grammar and referencing
(15%) Exemplary writing and structure demonstrated in accordance with the
assessment outline. The
writing flows well with no spelling or grammatical
errors. All research and referencing executed meticulously. Very good writing demonstrated along with structure in line
with the assessment outline. The writing
flows well. One or two mistakes in spelling,
grammar or incorrect referencing. Report submitted overall in line with the assessment outline. Some minor spelling or grammatical errors and faults in referencing. Some attempt to follow the assessment outline structure but not fully
met. Sentences show
errors of structure and little. Several errors of punctuation, spelling.
Errors interfere with meaning in places.
Careful proofreading not evident. Attempts at
referencing but not fully
compliant with the ICMS Style Guide. Did not follow the assessment outline structure. Multiple
errors of sentence
structure. Frequent
errors in spelling and/or
inaccurate punctuation such that
communication is
hindered. Proofreading not evident. Lack of
referencing research as per the Ace homework tutors – APA style required.
Example Bar Themes
• Gin Bar
• Rum Bar
• Contemporary City Cocktail Bar
• Whisk(e)y Bar
• Spanish Bar
• Japanese Cocktail Bar
• Mexican Tequila Bar
• Hipster Basement Bar
• Business/ Professional Bar set in an Old Bank Building
• Roof Top Bar • Karaoke Bar
• Irish City Pub
• Music Bar- music is your choice
• A Closed Loop Cocktail Bar
• American Diner Bar
• Casino Bar
• Sports Bar
• Italian Vermouth Bar
• Champagne Bar
• Theatre Bar
• City Wine Bar
• Beach Bar
• Wedding Venue Bar
• Craft Beer Bar
• Art Bar (venue also sells art)- Style of art is your choice.
• Tiki Bar
• Prohibition Style Bar
• Coffee Based Bar
• Bar in a restaurant (known for its use of smoke in cooking)
• Tea Based Bar
• Student College Bar
• Pop Up Bar at Vivid- your choice of speciality
• Vodka Bar
• Ski Bar in Thredbo

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