Assignment Instructions
Select a terrorist organization likely to conduct an attack within the United States, and complete an in-depth profile on the organization you selected for this first part of a three part series of papers. The same group you select will be used for your Midterm, Progress, and Final paper. 
For this midterm, complete an in-depth profile on the organization selected for your project.  In 5-7 pages (double-spaced,) provide a narrative explaining the organization’s origins, ideology, goals & objectives.  Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include a discussion on the leadership, funding, and capabilities such as physical bases or operating/support location(s), personnel strengths, training programs, and communications methods.  Lastly, it would be helpful to provide a description of known and suspected weapons/lethal agents and delivery methods, procedures used in prior attacks, propaganda, surveillance methods, and significant events/dates that may be used in attack planning.
This Midterm Paper (the organizational profile) is due Sunday of Week 3. The profile must follow Ace homework tutors – APA guidelines (parenthetical citation formats only; not end notes or footnotes) and be free of typographical, spelling and grammatical errors. The minimum requirement is five full pages of content (not counting title page and reference page). The SSGS Assignment Rubric for 300-400 Level Classes will be used to evaluate this assignment. Assignment Rubric
Note on the three paper assignment series:  The first paper (the midterm) is about the group you select and basically provides a historical perspective about the group. The second paper (the progress assignment) is a red cell where you put yourself in the shoes of the terrorist group by thinking like they would to determine how the U.S. can do intelligence collection on the terrorist group.
For the final assignment, you will combine all that you wrote in the first two papers into one seamless document and you will add at least three recommendations you would provide to a Homeland Security policy maker on how to counter your selected organization. Be sure to improve your writing based on feedback you receive from the midterm and progress assignment.

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