HLTH 100 Health Advocacy Letter to an
Elected 4
HLTH 100 Health Advocacy Letter to an Elected 4
Obtain the name of your U.S. representative, senator, governor,
state, or local representative and write a letter to one of them
addressing either a particular public health legislative priority for
your particular town, city, or state, or one of the Healthy People
2020 health objectives
https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives that
interests you and you would like for them to support.
You can look up your local government officials at
https://www.usa.gov/local-governments state legislators at
https://www.congress.gov/state-legislature-websites; your US
Senator at www.senate.gov; your Representative at
www.house.govand your governor at https://www.usa.gov/stategovernor
Hint: if you are wondering about public health priorities where you
live, you could search for the state affiliate of the American Public
Health Association to see if they have produced a list of priorities
similar to what was shared about Maryland’s public health
priorities: prescription drug affordability, lowering blood lead
action levels for kids, increasing the sale of age for tobacco
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to an Elected 4
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4/26/22, 9:13 AM HLTH 100 Health A
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