OFFICIAL COURSE DESCRIPTION: OFFICIAL COURSE DESCRIPTION: Provides a listening survey course, with a chronological approach, covering the year’s 1950-present. Emphasizes both the music and the sociological climate reflected and advocated by the music. COURSE PREREQUISITES: None COURSE COMPETENCIES: Upon completion of this course, the student can: 1. Demonstrate understanding of rock music from its inception through the 1990’s. 2. Demonstrate understanding of the interrelationship between post World War II American society and rock’s influences. 3. Demonstrate understanding of rock’s musical evolution from its rhythm and blues and country roots to the present. 4. Demonstrate understanding of concepts through written exams and critical listening major stylistic trends and tread setters in rock history. 5. Demonstrate understanding of simple music concepts in relation to rock music. 6. Demonstrate a basic understanding of the elements of Music and discuss how they are applied in rock music. COURSE OUTLINE: I: The Development of Rock and Roll A. Introduction/ Rock and Music Business B. Elements of music, elements of rock C. Structure of the Popular song II: The Roots of Rock A. Socio-Cultural History of 20th Century America B. Pre-Rock styles: Pop, Country and Western, Rhythm and Blues music : Covers and Crossovers C. Pre-Rock Continued D. The Life and Music of Elvis Presley III: 1950’s Rock Styles A. Memphis Rockabilly and Second Generation Rockabilly Artists B. Mainstream/ Rhythm and Blues Crossover Artists C. Summarize the 1950’s, Scandal and Music Industry Reaction IV: The 1960’s The Counter Cultural Revolution A. Transition to the 1960’s, Popular Folksong Movement, The Music and Influence of Bob Dylan B. Surf Rock- The Beach Boys and Brian Wilson V: The British Invasion A. The Music and Legacy of the Beatles. B. Critical Survey of The Beatles “Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” 2 C. British Blues-Based rock: The London/New Castle Sound vs. The Mersey Sound: The Music and Influences of The Rolling Stones, Cream,and The Yardbirds IV: American Soul and Rock of the 1960’s A. Folk-Rock: The Byrds, Simon and Garfunkel, and The rise of the Counterculture. B. San Francisco Rock: Blue in Technicolor! C. Soul, Funk, and Motown V: Theatrical and Progressive Rock A. Theatrical rock B. Progressive Rock Musicians and Their Influences VI: Heavy Metal A. British Heavy Metal: Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, and American Heavy Metal B. Introspective Singer/Songwriters and Country Rock Musicians of the 1970’s VII: Punk of the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s A. The Evolution of American and British Punk, New Wave, and Alternative Grunge from the 1970’s Through the 1990’s B. World Music/ Jamaican Influences/ The Rise of Cable TV, Digital Music, and Music Videos VIII: Rap and Hip Hop A. The Beginnings of South Bronx Rap and Hip-Hop B. Rap Comes of Age: The Mainstreaming of Rap and Gansta Rap IX: Dance Music of the 80’s and 90’s— Corporate Music A. Women in Rock B. Lilith Fair Musicians GENERAL EDUCATION INFORMATION: (KCTCS General Education Competency Statements and General Education Requirements) Students should prepare for the twenty-first century by gaining: A. Knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural worlds ï‚· Through study in the sciences and mathematics, social sciences, humanities, histories, languages, and the arts B. Intellectual and practical skills, including ï‚· inquiry and analysis, ï‚· critical and creative thinking, ï‚· written and oral communication, ï‚· quantitative literacy, ï‚· information literacy, ï‚· teamwork and problem solving C. Personal and social responsibility, including ï‚· civic knowledge and engagement (local and global), ï‚· intercultural knowledge and competence, ï‚· ethical reasoning and action, ï‚· foundations and skills for lifelong learning. D. Integrative and applied learning, including ï‚· synthesis and advanced accomplishment across general and specialized skills As such, specifically addresses the following Student Learning Outcomes from the General Education Competencies: ï‚· Demonstrate how social, cultural, and historical contexts influence creative expression in the arts and humanities.” TEXT(S) AND SUPPLIES: Rock Music Style, 7th edition-Katherine Charlton-ISBN-978-0-07-802518-1 3 EVALUATION AND GRADING POLICY: Grading Policy The scale below shows the relationship between your semester percent average and the letter grade you will receive. Slight deviations from this scale are possible if they seem advisable. A= 100-90% 1600-1425 points earned B= 89-80% 1424-1265 points earned C= 79-70% 1264-1105 points earned D= 69-60% 1104-945 points earned E= 59-0 % <944 points earned DUE: 1-18 11:30 PM (20 Points) 1. Attendance Assignment (10 points) 2. Short Syllabus & Policy Test (10 points) DUE: 2-5 11:30 PM (280 Points) 1. Assignment #1 (80 points) 2. Critical Thinking Question #1 (100 points) 3. Test 1-Chapters 1-4 (100 points) DUE: 2-24 11:30 PM (300 Points) 1. Assignment #2 (100 points) 2. Critical Thinking Question #2 (100 points) 3. Test 2-Chapters 5-9 (100 points) DUE: 3 15 11:30 PM (300 Points) 1. Assignment #3 (100 points) 2. Critical Thinking Question #3 (100 points) 3. Test 3 –Chapters 10-14 (100 points) DUE: 4-3 11:30 PM (300 Points) 1. Assignment #4 (100 points) 2. Critical Thinking Question #4 (100 points) 3. Test 4-Chapters 15-18 (100 points) DUE: 4-22 11:30 PM (300 Points) 1. Assignment #5 (80 points) 2. Critical Thinking Question #5 (100 points) 3. Test 5-Chapters 19-21 (100 points) DUE: 4-28 11:30 PM (100 Points) 1. Semester Assignment (100 points) 1600 points ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTIONS: Assignments 1-5: When completing section A of all assignments you should have at least one page with well formed paragraphs. Two or three sentences per paragraph is not sufficient. More than one page is acceptable. All work needs to be uploaded to the assignment area The grade is determined by how close you follow each of the requirements of the assignment. All assignments should include interesting information and insights. Research can and should be used. Your comments are important. Listen to all musical examples given in the book that corresponds to each chapter along with the listening guides. You should refer back to the listening guides when and during the listening of each music examples. You will find all listening examples on You tube, if not try another place on the web, or possibly you will find them in your own collection. Always tell me in your work where it came from by listing the web site. If you are unable to find any listening example, please choose another and try again. This assignment has two parts. Both parts will be graded. When submitting assignments with 4 two sections, it is important that you attach both A and B section to the assignment area before submitting. Critical Thinking Questions 1-5:There are a number of critical thinking questions. Just as it says, critical thinking. Please give your pro and con thoughts on these questions. These do not have to be lengthy; however, please read the instructions given on each critical thinking question. Test 1-5: The tests cover the material in each chapter. All questions come from the publisher’s reference for test. There will be 50 questions on each test, and they questions will be true/false, or multiple choice. Semester Assignment: Choose one of the music genre listed, and write a short paper concerning your selection.
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