Create a fictional character (or real-life character but placed in  your creative historical fiction writing) to fit a topic in Chapters 3  or 4.  Be SPECIFIC, lengthen your paragraphs, and use Internet sources  if you wish, but keep the comment in your own words.  The SEVEN-PARAGRAPH  (or more) comment is due Thursday, September 7, will get a ten-point  deduction if turned in by September 14, and will not be accepted (or you  must use your makeup comment) afterwards. (You can use Internet  sources, but use your own words and cite your sources). Your choices are  below:
1. You are an African captive describing your capture, coastal captivity, and “Middle Passage.”
2. You are Tituba after being accused of witchcraft at the Salem Witch Trials of 1692.
3. You are Benjamin Franklin on the verge of discovering lightning in electricity in the 1750s.
4. You are Reverend Jonathan Edwards trying to revive Congregational Christianity in New England in the mid-1700s. 
5. You are George Washington defending Fort Necessity from French and Indians in 1754.
6. You are Chief Pontiac leading a Northwest Indian rebellion against the British in 1763.
7. You are Patrick Henry criticizing the Stamp Act at the Virginia House of Burgesses in 1765.
8. You are Crispus Attucks before his Boston Massacre death at a rally against British soldiers, 1770. 
9.  You are Abigail Adams describing events in Massachusetts in 1775 (Smallpox, British occupation, Bunker Hill, etc.).  
10.  You are Thomas Jefferson defending your Declaration of Independence to Congress in 1776 (Hint: slave trade passage).  

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