Towards Political Economy: Malthus, Mill, Ricardo

Industrial Capitalism (PPT_4)

Slavery & Capitalism: The Peculiar Periphery, Market Expansion, Capital Accumulation
The Rise of the Factory System
Toward a World of Free Trade: Liberalism


Robert Thomas Malthus, Essay on the Principles of Population, 1sted. (1798), chpts. 1, 2
David Ricardo, Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, chpts. II, VII
J. S. Mill, On Liberty(1859), chpts. 4, 5
Treaty of Nanjing (1843)
Cobden & the Anti-Corn-Law League (look at images)

Peel’s Plea for Repeal 
Paper prompt 6 : What is the economic model of Malthus’ and Ricardo’s ideas?  How does their view of human behavior compare to that of Bentham and Smith? Who benefits from this? How “free” is it? (i.e., What arguments did these people make for free trade? What were their motivations?).

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