Abstract This paper seeks to compare and contrast two different cases that involved the pollution of the environment by petrochemical companies in the Map Ta Phut industrial zone in Thailand and pollution caused by Chisso Corporation in Japan.
A gas leaked at the Thai Polycarbonates plastic factory leading to the death of people, animals and other health complications. On the other hand, the Chisso Corporation caused contamination of water supply of the surrounding environments through the discharge of toxic substances that led to death of people, animals and caused other health complications.
As such, the paper answers three questions: (1) what are the similarities in the two cases? (2) What are the dissimilarities in the two cases? And (3) to what extent did the activities of these two entities affected the surrounding environments?
Additionally, the economic, political, and scientific perspectives of these two cases are addressed in the paper. In addition, the collective ideologies,
mythologies and cosmologies and the actions themselves-distinctive kinds of politics engaged in within and sometimes between different cultures are addressed in this paper.
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mythologies and cosmologies and the actions themselves-distinctive kinds of politics engaged in within and sometimes between different cultures are addressed in this paper.
These include tactical repertoires, strategies and broad political campaign approaches. Finally,
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These include tactical repertoires, strategies and broad political campaign approaches. Finally,
the political campaigns/debates that resulted because of the cases that were filed in regard to the effects of pollution of the two cases are also highlighted and the actions taken indicated.
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the political campaigns/debates that resulted because of the cases that were filed in regard to the effects of pollution of the two cases are also highlighted and the actions taken indicated. For example, both governments and companies are all participating in compensation measures to the affected individuals as instructed by courts from both sides. Some of the companies got shut down because they were found to be environmentally unfriendly.
Introduction Pongpiachan et al. (2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer, p.
23) observe that Map Ta Phut industrial estate is a big industrial park that is situated in a town referred to as Map Ta Phut, located in the Rayong Province of Thailand.
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23) observe that Map Ta Phut industrial estate is a big industrial park that is situated in a town referred to as Map Ta Phut, located in the Rayong Province of Thailand.
It is Thailand’s largest industrial estate and the world’s eighth-biggest industrial petrochemical hub. Founded in 1990, the industrial estate is managed by Thailand’s Industrial Estate Authority,
which is a government agency that is under the ministry of Industry.
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which is a government agency that is under the ministry of Industry.
Moreover, on March 6, 2000, a gas leaked at the Thai Polycarbonates plastic factory and not only led to the death of two workers but also injuries on many locals.
As a result, the Supreme Administrative Court in 2009 suspended the development of 65 projects in the estate,
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As a result, the Supreme Administrative Court in 2009 suspended the development of 65 projects in the estate,
which were estimated to be worth approximately 8 billion US dollars because of insufficient conductions of health impacts evaluations (Vajirakachorn et al.
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which were estimated to be worth approximately 8 billion US dollars because of insufficient conductions of health impacts evaluations (Vajirakachorn et al.
2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay, p, 26-27). This ruling followed a decade-long series of legal actions and protests by environmental groups and local communities, who claimed that about two thousand individuals had died of cancer because of pollution that had been coming from the industrial estate.
On the other hand, Tominaga (2001, p.
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On the other hand, Tominaga (2001, p. 22) indicates that The Chisso Corporation (renamed Japan New Chisso since 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap) is a Japanese chemical company that is a major supplier of liquid crystal that is used for LCD displays.
The factory traces its roots to 1906 where Shitagau Noguchi who was an electrical engineering student established the Sogi Electric Company that operated a hydroelectric power station in Kagoshima’s Prefecture dubbed Okuchi.
Moreover, in order to make use of the excess power produced by the firm, Noguchi Shitagau established the Japan Carbide Company in 1908, which operated a carbide factory that was located in the coastal town of Minamata, approximately thirty kilometers northwest of Okuchi.
According to Tsuchimoto et al. (2011, p. 19), the company is well known for its 24-year long role in the contamination of Japan’s Minamata water supply that caused thousands of deaths of the local people and victims of the disease.
Collective Ideologies, Mythologies, and Cosmologies of the Two Cases In the 1970s, Map Ta Phut was a swampy area that had approximately eight thousand people (Kondo and Limjirakan 2013, p. 21-22).
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the Eastern Seaboard’s Development Plan’s industrial development from the early 1980s led to the growth of Map Ta Phut into a town that experienced a rapidly increasing number of residents from about 36,000 to approximately over 100,000 migrant workers as by 1992.
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the Eastern Seaboard’s Development Plan’s industrial development from the early 1980s led to the growth of Map Ta Phut into a town that experienced a rapidly increasing number of residents from about 36,000 to approximately over 100,000 migrant workers as by 1992.
However, in 1997, severe cases of health complications started to arise,
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However, in 1997, severe cases of health complications started to arise, symbolized by the case of teachers and students in Map Ta Phut Pan Pittayakarn School that got hospitalized because of inhaling toxic air (Suzuki et al.
2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay, p, 32-33). Map Ta Phut’s industrial zone comprises a port that is regarded to be a high-capacity high-volume industrial port that serves the heavy industries in the area.
In addition to it being the biggest industrial port in Thailand, it was built to accommodate a wide range of cargos,
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In addition to it being the biggest industrial port in Thailand, it was built to accommodate a wide range of cargos, equipment, and vessels, and to boost the export capacity of Thailand (Charmondusit and Keartpakpraek 2011, p.
29). Hikaru and Kenichi (1977, p. 36) point out that it is approximated that after 1932, 70-150 tons of organic mercury,
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29). Hikaru and Kenichi (1977, p. 36) point out that it is approximated that after 1932, 70-150 tons of organic mercury,
which is a liquid waste product that is obtained from acetaldehyde process was discharged by the Minamata factory of Chisso Corporation into the entire Shiranui Sea,
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which is a liquid waste product that is obtained from acetaldehyde process was discharged by the Minamata factory of Chisso Corporation into the entire Shiranui Sea,
Minamata Bay inclusive. Moreover, on May 1, 1956,
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Minamata Bay inclusive. Moreover, on May 1, 1956,
Hajime Hosokawa (the director of the hospital that was attached to this factory) informed the Minamata Health Center that numerous local individuals were developing a disease of the central nervous system that was of an unknown cause,
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Hajime Hosokawa (the director of the hospital that was attached to this factory) informed the Minamata Health Center that numerous local individuals were developing a disease of the central nervous system that was of an unknown cause,
which was later on titled as the day when the Minamata disease was formally recognized (Eto et al. 2001, p.
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which was later on titled as the day when the Minamata disease was formally recognized (Eto et al. 2001, p.
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30-31). It has been over half a century now and the disease has continued to curve out a 57 years history since all the disease’s associated problems have not yet been solved.
According to Eto et al. (2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer, p. 23-24), the former industrial waste processing site is currently being utilized as Eco-Park Minimata.
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According to Eto et al. (2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer, p. 23-24), the former industrial waste processing site is currently being utilized as Eco-Park Minimata.
In addition, thousands of drums that contain mercury-contaminated fish in concretes and over 1.5 million meters cubic of mercury sludge are buried under it.
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In addition, thousands of drums that contain mercury-contaminated fish in concretes and over 1.5 million meters cubic of mercury sludge are buried under it.
Moreover, the land that was reclaimed was disjointed by cellular steel sheet piles that came from the surrounding sea,
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Moreover, the land that was reclaimed was disjointed by cellular steel sheet piles that came from the surrounding sea,
but there have been increased concerns that the mercury sludge may possibly leak out since it has been thirty years since the project was launched (Doyle and Mceachern 1998, p.
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but there have been increased concerns that the mercury sludge may possibly leak out since it has been thirty years since the project was launched (Doyle and Mceachern 1998, p.
24). According to Tsuchimoto and Otsu (2011, p. 16-17), cellular steel piles are often believed to last up to fifty years,
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24). According to Tsuchimoto and Otsu (2011, p. 16-17), cellular steel piles are often believed to last up to fifty years,
and in February 2009,
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and in February 2009,
a committee was set up by the Kumamoto prefectural government in order to review this issue since measures needed to be taken for the deteriorating cellular steel sheets,
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a committee was set up by the Kumamoto prefectural government in order to review this issue since measures needed to be taken for the deteriorating cellular steel sheets,
and since the standards of the earthquakes for the harbor and port facilities were revised in 2007.
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and since the standards of the earthquakes for the harbor and port facilities were revised in 2007.
Scientific Perspective of the Two Cases First discovered in Minamata city in Kumamoto prefecture in 1956,
Minamata disease was caused by the discharge of methyl mercury into the industrial wastewater from the chemical factory owned by the Chisso Corporation between 1932 and 1968 (Jenks 2011,
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Minamata disease was caused by the discharge of methyl mercury into the industrial wastewater from the chemical factory owned by the Chisso Corporation between 1932 and 1968 (Jenks 2011,
p. 28). This chemical (highly toxic) bio-accumulated in the fish in the Shiranui Sea and Minamata Bay, which, when eaten by the local people led to mercury poisoning.
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p. 28). This chemical (highly toxic) bio-accumulated in the fish in the Shiranui Sea and Minamata Bay, which, when eaten by the local people led to mercury poisoning.
While dog, cat, human, and pig deaths continued for 36 years, the company and government did little to stop the pollution. Iriguchi (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap, p.
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While dog, cat, human, and pig deaths continued for 36 years, the company and government did little to stop the pollution. Iriguchi (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap, p.
The Map Ta Phut industrial estate used numerous toxic substances that could lead to several ailments. For example, Vajirakachorn et al.
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The Map Ta Phut industrial estate used numerous toxic substances that could lead to several ailments. For example, Vajirakachorn et al.
(2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay, p. 37-38) observes that some of the toxic substances used that were harmful to the respiratory system (34 projects),
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(2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay, p. 37-38) observes that some of the toxic substances used that were harmful to the respiratory system (34 projects),
neurological system (24 projects), reproductive system (10 projects), foetus (4 projects), blood system (18 projects), liver and renal (25 projects),
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neurological system (24 projects), reproductive system (10 projects), foetus (4 projects), blood system (18 projects), liver and renal (25 projects),
and skin and eyes (33 projects). Thailand’s National Cancer Institute discovered in 2003 that rates of bladder, liver, cervical, blood,
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and skin and eyes (33 projects). Thailand’s National Cancer Institute discovered in 2003 that rates of bladder, liver, cervical, blood,
throat, stomach, and nasal cancers were highest in Royong Province where Map Ta Phut and other industrial zones were located.
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throat, stomach, and nasal cancers were highest in Royong Province where Map Ta Phut and other industrial zones were located.
Economic Perspective of the Two Cases Meanwhile, Doyle and Mceachern (1998, p. 26) point out that in order for the restoration of the Minamata Bay’s environment, a 48.5 billion Yen project had to be accumulated in order to treat the sludge that had accumulated in the Minamata Bay (35% of which was financed by the prefectural and the national government and 65% by Chisso) commenced in 1975 and was accomplished in 1990.
Mason (1999, p.
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Mason (1999, p.
22) observes that the historic overview of the Company in its current website does not mention the company’s role in the mass contamination of Minamata and its dreadful aftermath,
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22) observes that the historic overview of the Company in its current website does not mention the company’s role in the mass contamination of Minamata and its dreadful aftermath,
although another section of the website that can be accessed from the same list of the overview is dedicated to the subject.
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although another section of the website that can be accessed from the same list of the overview is dedicated to the subject.
However, this section is absent from the website’s English version. In addition, Almeida et al. (1998, p.
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However, this section is absent from the website’s English version. In addition, Almeida et al. (1998, p.
31) state that the company’s 2004 Annual Report indicates an equivalent of approximately 50 million US dollars (5,820 million yen) for purposes of the Minamata Disease Compensation Liabilities.
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31) state that the company’s 2004 Annual Report indicates an equivalent of approximately 50 million US dollars (5,820 million yen) for purposes of the Minamata Disease Compensation Liabilities.
Additionally, the company reported from 2000 to 2003 total liabilities worth over 170 million US dollars. Based on that,
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Additionally, the company reported from 2000 to 2003 total liabilities worth over 170 million US dollars. Based on that,
the company’s 2000 accounts also indicated that the Kumamoto prefectural and the Japanese governments waived about 560 million US dollars in related liabilities.
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the company’s 2000 accounts also indicated that the Kumamoto prefectural and the Japanese governments waived about 560 million US dollars in related liabilities.
Moreover, their 2004 and 2005 financial year reports denote the Minamata disease with a different title (Mad Hatter’s Disease),
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Moreover, their 2004 and 2005 financial year reports denote the Minamata disease with a different title (Mad Hatter’s Disease),
which is a term that was coined from the mercury poisoning that was experienced by hat-makers in the last few centuries.
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which is a term that was coined from the mercury poisoning that was experienced by hat-makers in the last few centuries.
Political Perspective of the Two Cases and Actions Taken Fearing the likelihood of another leakage of toxic chemicals,
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Political Perspective of the Two Cases and Actions Taken Fearing the likelihood of another leakage of toxic chemicals,
the villagers of Rayong Province (Map Ta Phut) filed a case against the government of Thailand in 2009 (Pongpiachan et al.
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the villagers of Rayong Province (Map Ta Phut) filed a case against the government of Thailand in 2009 (Pongpiachan et al.
2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer, p. 26). In the case, the villagers pressed for the demarcation of the locations where the petrochemical industries could be situated.
Nonetheless, in March 2009,
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Nonetheless, in March 2009,
the Administrative court ruled that the area (Map Ta Phut) was already a “pollution control zone” that indebted the authorities to regularly measure the quality of the water and soil and to also come up with a strategy aimed at minimizing pollution if found to be too high (Kondo and Limjirakan 2013, p.
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the Administrative court ruled that the area (Map Ta Phut) was already a “pollution control zone” that indebted the authorities to regularly measure the quality of the water and soil and to also come up with a strategy aimed at minimizing pollution if found to be too high (Kondo and Limjirakan 2013, p.
26). Moreover, so as to hold accountable the individuals who infringe the environmental law,
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26). Moreover, so as to hold accountable the individuals who infringe the environmental law, the People’s Eastern Network and the villagers filed another suit before the Administrative Court that was aimed at stopping the expansion of the industries.
As a result, Suzuki et al. (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay, p. 30) observe that in September 2009, the court suspended 76 projects because of the lack of health impact assessment,
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As a result, Suzuki et al. (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay, p. 30) observe that in September 2009, the court suspended 76 projects because of the lack of health impact assessment, which is a requirement under the 2007 Constitution (article 67).
However, the decision above was later on appealed in the Supreme Administrative Court on December 2, 2009 and the court decided to retain the suspension of 65 projects,
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However, the decision above was later on appealed in the Supreme Administrative Court on December 2, 2009 and the court decided to retain the suspension of 65 projects, but permitted 11 projects to continue (Charmondusit and Keartpakpraek 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay, p.
29). Several companies were affected. The most notable companies were Aditya Birla Chemicals (an Indian Conglomerate), the Thai energy giant, Bayer (the German pharmaceutical giant), and BlueScope Steel of Australia. Thailand’s business community was shocked by the ruling of the court.
As a result, Vajirakachorn et al. (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay, p. 33) indicate that the Ministry of industry of Thailand assessed the losses that may have been experienced due to the suspension of the projects at approximately over 19 billion US dollars.
Based on that,
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Based on that,
the Thai government appealed the court’s ruling and in 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer got the court to permit 74 projects to proceed but at the same time revoked the operational licenses of 2 other projects,
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the Thai government appealed the court’s ruling and in 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer got the court to permit 74 projects to proceed but at the same time revoked the operational licenses of 2 other projects,
which were included in the Thai government’s list of “harmful activities.” In addition, Pongpiachan et al.
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which were included in the Thai government’s list of “harmful activities.” In addition, Pongpiachan et al.
(2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer, p.
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(2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer, p.
16-17) point out that the government ordered for a study of the environmental problem that was carried out by the National Environment Committee that was headed by Anand Panyarachun (former Prime Minister).
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16-17) point out that the government ordered for a study of the environmental problem that was carried out by the National Environment Committee that was headed by Anand Panyarachun (former Prime Minister).
The study revealed 18 different types of industrial projects that could possibly harm the environment. However,
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The study revealed 18 different types of industrial projects that could possibly harm the environment. However,
this list was shortened from 18 to 11 types of industrial projects that were regarded to as harmful to the health impact assessments and the environment (Suzuki et al.
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this list was shortened from 18 to 11 types of industrial projects that were regarded to as harmful to the health impact assessments and the environment (Suzuki et al.
2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay, p. 30). Tsuchimoto and Otsu (2011, p. 27) point out that in early 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer,
Japanese companies raised concerns in regard to the court decision concerning Map Ta Phut and the prolonged lack of resolution of the issues.
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Japanese companies raised concerns in regard to the court decision concerning Map Ta Phut and the prolonged lack of resolution of the issues.
A warning was issued by the Japanese Chamber of Commerce (JCC) about the probability of having the operations that were being conducted by Japanese companies (these companies operate in the steel,
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A warning was issued by the Japanese Chamber of Commerce (JCC) about the probability of having the operations that were being conducted by Japanese companies (these companies operate in the steel,
financial, chemical, and construction sectors) transferred to other countries because of the prevailing situation.
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financial, chemical, and construction sectors) transferred to other countries because of the prevailing situation.
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the residents of the Map Ta Phut vicinity and the Eastern People’s Network submitted an official letter to the Japanese embassy asking the Japanese investors to quit pressing the Thai government in order for it to resolve the Map Ta Phut issue in five months.
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the residents of the Map Ta Phut vicinity and the Eastern People’s Network submitted an official letter to the Japanese embassy asking the Japanese investors to quit pressing the Thai government in order for it to resolve the Map Ta Phut issue in five months.
Almeida et al. (1998, p. 31) state that the Eastern Peoples Network’s cooArdinator criticized the stance that was taken by the Japanese companies,
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Almeida et al. (1998, p. 31) state that the Eastern Peoples Network’s cooArdinator criticized the stance that was taken by the Japanese companies,
especially in consideration of the experience that Japan had in terms of industrial pollution in the Minamata case.
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especially in consideration of the experience that Japan had in terms of industrial pollution in the Minamata case.
In January 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer,
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In January 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer,
the Minister of internal Affairs of Japan was visited by a Minister from the Prime Minister’s Office of Thailand to explain efforts taken in order to resolve Map Ta Phut problem (Jenks 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap, p.
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the Minister of internal Affairs of Japan was visited by a Minister from the Prime Minister’s Office of Thailand to explain efforts taken in order to resolve Map Ta Phut problem (Jenks 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap, p.
20). As a result,
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20). As a result,
the Thai Finance Minister in March 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer led a high-level government delegation where they visited Japan to elaborate on the strategic approach taken to deal with the Map Ta Phut problem to the private and the public Japanese sectors.
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the Thai Finance Minister in March 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer led a high-level government delegation where they visited Japan to elaborate on the strategic approach taken to deal with the Map Ta Phut problem to the private and the public Japanese sectors.
In addition, July the same year saw the then Prime Minister of Thailand (Mr.
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In addition, July the same year saw the then Prime Minister of Thailand (Mr.
Abhist Vejjajiva) meet with the members of the business community from Japan in Thailand and explained on the measures that the government had taken in regard to the matter.
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Abhist Vejjajiva) meet with the members of the business community from Japan in Thailand and explained on the measures that the government had taken in regard to the matter.
In his speech, the then Prime Minister emphasized on the prospect of solving the Map Ta Phut problem in the following four months,
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In his speech, the then Prime Minister emphasized on the prospect of solving the Map Ta Phut problem in the following four months,
which was inclusive of the resolutions that had been arrived at by the court (Iriguchi 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap, p.
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which was inclusive of the resolutions that had been arrived at by the court (Iriguchi 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap, p.
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After the decision of the Supreme Court in October 2004 in regard to the Minamata Disease Kansai Lawsuit that became the first official verdict to affirm that the Kumamoto prefectural and the national governments were accountable for the compensation because of their failure to stop damage as a result of the spread of the disease,
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After the decision of the Supreme Court in October 2004 in regard to the Minamata Disease Kansai Lawsuit that became the first official verdict to affirm that the Kumamoto prefectural and the national governments were accountable for the compensation because of their failure to stop damage as a result of the spread of the disease,
the number of people in Kagoshima and Kumamoto Prefectures whose certifications’ applications had not been processed enlarged to 8282 as of the beginning of August 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer (Eto et al.
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the number of people in Kagoshima and Kumamoto Prefectures whose certifications’ applications had not been processed enlarged to 8282 as of the beginning of August 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer (Eto et al.
2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer, p. 23-24). Moreover, it was approximated that nearly half of the total patients accounted for infantile or fetal Minamata disease were people in their fifties or younger. According to Tsuchimoto et al.
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2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer, p. 23-24). Moreover, it was approximated that nearly half of the total patients accounted for infantile or fetal Minamata disease were people in their fifties or younger. According to Tsuchimoto et al.
(2011, p. 42),
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(2011, p. 42), the number of patients to whom the prefectural government of Kumamoto had started to issue new health books (constituted part of the Ministry of the Environment’s measures announced in order to help the uncertified patients in regard to the ruling of the Supreme Court and covers all the medical expenses that are supposed to be paid by the patients according to the National Health Insurance System) exceeded 27,000 since November 2005.
Nonetheless, Tsuchimoto and Otsu (2011, p.
33) state that only a small percentage of the patients indicated withdrew their application in order to be certified as patients with the Minamata disease in regard to the Pollution-Related Health Damage Compensation Law and were issued with new health books,
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33) state that only a small percentage of the patients indicated withdrew their application in order to be certified as patients with the Minamata disease in regard to the Pollution-Related Health Damage Compensation Law and were issued with new health books, and the prefectural and the national government’s plans to minimize the numbers of certified patients became sour.
With the enforcement and the enactment of the Special Measures Law for the Relief of the Victims of the Minamata Disease and the Solution of Minamata Problems in the year 2009, nonetheless, the situation that surrounded the victims of the disease, especially the uncertified patients (many latent ones inclusive), experienced a complete change (Iriguchi 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap, p.
33). In May 2011, the relevant local prefectural governments started to accept the applications meant for relief measures, and by the end of June,
the total accepted applications had increased to 50,000, which had far exceeded the number (approximately a little over 30,00) that had been initially predicted by the Ministry of the Environment.
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the total accepted applications had increased to 50,000, which had far exceeded the number (approximately a little over 30,00) that had been initially predicted by the Ministry of the Environment.
On the other hand, as at May 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap, the number of the people whose applications for certification had not yet been processed had fallen sharply to about 313 patients since the patients were entitled to obtain relief under the Special Measures Law but on the condition that they had to give up certification as contracting Minamata disease in relevance with the Pollution-Related Health Damage Compensation Law and therefore, drop their applications for certification (Iriguchi 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap, p.
31). Conclusion The two cases are similar in different perspectives. They both involve petrochemical companies whose activities led to the contamination of the surrounding environment leading to death, injuries, and other health conditions to the local people and animals. In addition, both cases led to corporate, civilians and political struggles after cases were filed on both sides; the civilians seeking to stop operations and expansions of these factories/zones and compensation for the loses caused by the discharge and emissions of toxic chemicals; the corporate world such as the Japanese investment group sought to be allowed to continue with business despite the contaminations; the governments sought to keep the businesses running in order to obtain revenue but at the same time shut some down in order to protect the citizens.
However, the two cases are also dissimilar in some perspectives. Case one involved a petrochemical company in Thailand while case two involved a petrochemical company in Japan. In addition, most of the toxic substances in case one were discharged into the environment (bay) while most of the toxic chemicals in case two were emitted into the air.
Case two was more rigorous and fatal since it led to the deaths of many people and animals, and its effects are still being felt. On the other hand, case one was less severe as compared to case two since the damages caused were to a lesser magnitude.
Moreover, case two attracted more political heat and campaigns as compared to case one. Generally, case one was more easily addressed as compared to case two which continues to raise new fresh debates from time to time, especially the settlement plan in regard to the court rulings aforementioned.
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