HIM 500 Module Two Activity Guidelines and Rubric

The goal of this assignment is get a broad view of the technology landscape and what types of technologies are out there.

Using mind-mapping software of your choice, create a mind map of the different healthcare information technologies and parse it out into different categories. Review the Mind Map document for an example of this assignment. You can use any of the following mind-mapping tools for your assignment or use a tool of your choice.

MindMeister MindMup WiseMapping FreeMind

Then, in a Word document, complete the following:

 How has the healthcare technology landscape changed?  Are the healthcare technologies used for the same purpose? Explain.  How can they be used across departments?  How do healthcare technologies impact the roles across the industry?

Guidelines for Submission: Your mind map should be created using free software of your choice. The answers to the questions should be in a Word document and should be a minimum of 1 page in length. All sources should be cited using Ace homework tutors – APA style.

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Mind Map Creates a mind map of the different healthcare information technologies parsed into different categories

Creates a mind map of the different healthcare information technologies parsed into different categories, but categories are incorrect or missing

Does not create a mind map of the different healthcare information technologies parsed into different categories


Technology Landscape Explains how the healthcare technology landscape has changed

Explains how the healthcare technology landscape has changed, but lacks detail or clarity

Does not explain how the healthcare technology landscape has changed


Purpose Explains whether the healthcare technologies are used for the same purpose

Explains whether the healthcare technologies are used for the same purpose, but lacks detail or clarity

Does not explain whether the healthcare technologies are used for the same purpose


Departments Explains how the healthcare technologies can be used across departments

Explains how the healthcare technologies can be used across departments, but lacks detail or clarity

Does not explain how the healthcare technologies can be used across departments


Roles Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discusses how healthcare technologies impact the roles across the industry

Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discusses how healthcare technologies impact the roles across the industry, but lacks detail or clarity

Does not discuss how healthcare technologies impact the roles across the industry


Articulation of Response Submission is free of errors of organization and grammar

Submission contains errors of organization and grammar, but errors are limited enough so that the submission can be understood

Submission contains errors of organization and grammar making the submission difficult to understand


Total 100%

HIM 500 Module Two Activity Guidelines and Rubric
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HIM 500 Module Two Activity Guidelines and Rubric.pdf
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Homework help – Summary Skipped Tables must have a summary
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Module Two Activity Guidelines and Rubric for HIM 500

The purpose of this assignment is to gain a broad understanding of the technology landscape and the many technologies available.

Create a mind map of the various healthcare information technologies and divide it into categories using mind-mapping software of your choice. For an example of this assignment, look at the Mind Map document. For your task, you can use any of the mind-mapping tools listed below or another tool of your choice.

MindMeister MindMup WiseMapping FreeMind MindMeister MindMup WiseMapping

Then, in a Word document, fill in the blanks:

What has changed in the healthcare technology landscape? Are the medical technologies utilized for the same thing? Explain. What are the possibilities for cross-departmental use? What impact do healthcare technologies have on the various professions in the industry?

Submission Instructions: You should make your mind map with free software of your choosing. The answers to the questions should be typed into a Word document and be at least one page long. Ace homework tutors – APA style should be used to cite all sources.

The Crucial Elements Expertise (100 percent ) Needs to be improved (70 percent ) It’s not obvious (0 percent ) Value

Creates a mental map of the various healthcare information technologies, which are divided into categories.

Creates a mind map of various healthcare information technology divided into many categories, but some of the categories are erroneous or missing.

Does not make a mind map of the many healthcare information technology divided into categories.


The Healthcare Technology Landscape explains how the landscape of healthcare technology has transformed.

Although it describes how the healthcare IT landscape has transformed, it is lacking in detail and clarity.

Doesn’t describe how the landscape of healthcare technology has altered.


The term “purpose” refers to whether or not healthcare technology are employed for the same thing.

Explains whether the healthcare technologies are utilized for the same goal, but doesn’t go into great detail or clarity.

Doesn’t say if the healthcare technologies are used for the same thing.


http://snhu-media.snhu.edu/files/course repository/graduate/him/him500/him500 mindmap document.pdf
https://www.mindmeister.com/?gad campaign=US&gclid=CJnyxquPm80CFZcdgQodAc4MJg
http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main Page
Departments explains how healthcare technologies can be employed in a variety of settings.

Although it explains how healthcare technologies can be employed across departments, it is lacking in detail and clarity.

Doesn’t go into detail about how healthcare technology can be applied across departments.


Professions examines the impact of healthcare technology on various roles in the business.

It discusses how healthcare technologies affect various professions in the sector, although it is lacking in information and clarity.

Doesn’t go into detail on how healthcare technology affects various roles in the sector.


Response Articulation The submission is devoid of grammatical and organizational mistakes.

The submission contains grammatical and organizational flaws, but they are minor enough that the submission may be comprehended.

The contribution exhibits grammatical and organizational problems that make it difficult to interpret.


100 percent total

Module 2 Activity Guidelines and Rubric Accessibility Report for HIM 500
Report prepared by: Organization: HIM 500 Module Two Activity Guidelines and Rubric.pdf Filename: HIM 500 Module Two Activity Guidelines and Rubric.pdf
[Use the Preferences > Identity dialog to enter personal and organizational information.]

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Appropriate nesting

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