Here is some feedback: – Your intro should be rooted in research and the problem in the larger context of education. You can bring in some personal reflection, but more research. You seem to have done this, but I wanted to just state this to be clear. -lit review: all of the studies seem appropriate. Make sure to discuss their methods and limitations…and how they helped shape your own methods. -Methods: they look good. I need to know what type of qualitative research you will be using (ethnography, grounded theory, etc…). Make sure you substantiate all of your steps in your methods with research in your written proposal (it seems you are doing that already). -I would need to know more about descriptive analysis…this is typically a quantitative approach. Do you mean comparative analysis


Here are some comments: – Your introduction should be grounded in research and the problem’s larger educational context. You can include some personal reflection, but you should conduct additional research. You appear to have done so, but I wanted to make sure it was apparent. -literature review: all of the research appear to be relevant. Make sure to talk about their approaches and limitations, as well as how they influenced your own. -Methods: they appear to be effective. I’m curious as to what kind of qualitative study you’ll be conducting (ethnography, grounded theory, etc…). In your written proposal, make sure you back up all of your steps in your approach with research (it seems you are doing that already). -I’d like to learn more about descriptive analysis…this is how it’s usually done.

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