Ophthalmology Clinic

Amanda Greer

February 28, 2022

(Item 1)
• Mission: To provide patients with the best gift of them all, the gift of sight and provide patients with the best care and knowledge on their eyes.
• Vision: To be the top ophthalmology clinic in the metroplex.
• Services provided: eye treatment, medication, eye corrective surgery, eyelid surgery, glasses, and contact lenses. Patients with glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, chalazions/styes, low vision, drooping eyelids, facial spasms, and eye infections are all treated at this facility.
• Our patients range in age from 6 to 90+ and we accept most health insurance to insure the majority of patients are getting the care they need.
• This clinic sees approximately 30,000-40,000 patients a year and about 20,000 eye surgeries are performed each year

(Item 2)

• Long in office times effecting patient satisfaction
• Cost of care – too expensive
• Favoritism through the office – impacts patient care, sales, office morale

(Item 3)
• Decreasing wait time and spreading out patient appointment times in order for the patient not to have to wait for doctor for too long.
• Lowering prices of the exam, sales products, and diagnostic testing
• Change leadership and have even playing field for everyone
(Item 4)
• Lower cost of at least 2 diagnostic tests and the refraction cost
• Focus on a specific type of exam and minimize those in office times
• Establish an even playing field within the office
• The plan is to have these goals fully reached or even noticing significant change by October 2022.

(Item 5)

• Obstacles: increase in prices, unacceptable insurance, employees being reluctant to accept changes, uneducated employees
• Opportunities: improved patient and employee satisfaction, increase in sales

(Item 6)
• See Appendix below


Sommer, A., Blumenthal, E. Z. (2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers). Implementation of Lean and Six Sigma principles in ophthalmology for improving quality of care and patient flow. Public Health and the Eye, 64(5), 720-728. 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers.03.007
Ciulla, Thomas A., Tatikonda, Mohan V., ElMaraghi, Yehya A., Hussain, Rehan M., Hill, Amanda L., Clary, Julie M., Hattab, Eyas. (2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). Lean Six Sigma Techniques to Improve Ophthalmology. The Journal of Retinal and Vitreous Diseases, 38(9), 1688-1698. doi: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000001761
Hribar, A., Read-Brown, S., Goldstein, I.H., Reznick, L.G., Lombardi, L., Parikh, M., Chamberlain, W., Chiang, M.F. (2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). Secondary use of Electronic Health Record Data for Clinical Workflow Analysis. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 25(1), 40–46.

Davis, A.S., Elkeeb, A.M., Vizzeri, G. et al. Utilization of Portable Radios to Improve Ophthalmology Clinic Efficiency in an Academic Setting. J Med Syst 40, 64 (2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online).
Lin, C., Li, A., Ma, H., Lin, X.M., Olivares, M.Z., Haubrich, A., Sanislo, S., Do, D.V. (2021). Successful interventions to improve efficiency and reduce patient visit duration in a retina practice. Retina, 41(10), 2157-2162. doi: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000003169
Ma, J., Wong, B.M., Micieli, J.A., Calafati, J., Low, S., El-Defrawy, S., Hatch, W. (2020). Vision to improve: quality improvement in ophthalmology. Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology, 55(2), 107-115. 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers.07.020

Avidor, D., Loewenstein, A., Waisbourd, M. et al. Cost-effectiveness of diabetic retinopathy screening programs using telemedicine: a systematic review. Cost Eff Resour Alloc 18, 16 (2020).

Goals Required Tasks Individuals involved Resources Needed Timeline Measurements
1. Decrease in office time 1. Get medical history prior to the visit
2. Verify insurance prior to the visit
3. Add more details to patient’s chart as to why they are in office
4. Call patients prior to exam to gather more information. Ophthalmic technicians, doctors, receptionists Insurance, patient cooperation 2/2022 to 10/2022 Time documentation
2. Decrease cost of care Lower cost of diagnostic testing, glasses, contacts, surgery Billing, CEO, office management Competitor prices, equipment pricing 2/2022 to 10/2022 Billing information, spread sheets, patient surveys
3. Decrease favoritism 1. Team meetings
2. Possibly change in management
3. Equal work share Management, doctors, ophthalmic technicians Cooperation from all staff 2/2022 to 10/2022 Monthly meetings with individuals and as a group

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