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Blog: How does an individual become eligible for Medicare? And what are the different plans?
Blog: Challenging Your Assumptions
During your work over the past weeks, you may have found yourself assuming something about on this week topic.This is your chance to challenge that assumption.Using academic research, challenge your assumption in 400 words minimum blog entry.
An assumption examples include the assumption that:

"Sometimes it’s a good idea to make up a process before interviewing the users and subject matter experts.”
Each assignment must have at least TWO sources cited.
Assignments should be formatted in APA style (Please see APA hand out in the library for reference or APA Style Manual, vol. 6th)
All assignments should be submitted on the due dates; late submissions would have a penalty of 10% reduction in grade for every day of lateness to a maximum of 5 days.

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Ace Tutors
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