1 Understand why communication is the working setting 1. 1 Identify the different reasons people communicate As a human being we have the sense to have others around us and as a result it is essential to communicate. Communication is a two way process and is a vital tool in our lives so it is very important to have a good communication. Reasons to communicate: -To express needs -To share and exchange ideas -To give and receive information and instructions -To socialise and share experiences -To build relationship To reassure -To express feelings and emotions -To understand and to be understood 1. 2 Explain how affective communication affects all aspects of the learners work. Within the care setting it’s vital to communicate with people at all time. Effective communication is important as ensures that is clear, concise, accurate, informative and most of all non-judgemental. Communication ensures affective team working and continuity of care. 1. 3Why it is important to observe an individual’s reactions when communicating with them Communication is a two-way process when two individuals interact with each other.
One person is de sender and the other person automatically becomes the receiver. Observing face and body reaction is very important because only 70-80% of communication is verbal so for that reason if you don’t pay attention you can miss out on a large proportion of the communication. When working with an individual, supporters must get to know the person well and learn the best way to communicate with them as everyone has different needs. 2. 1Show how to find out an individual’s communication and language needs, wishes and preferences.
There are many ways of communication and people communicate in all sort of different ways, for that reason we should try to communicate with the person we are caring for in the easiest way as possible. One of the ways to find out a person’s needs and preferences is by asking the person themselves as they are your best source of information. Otherwise you can speak to a family member or a close friend as they will probably have a great source of information. Another way to find out your clients wishes and preferences is by reading their care plan or asking a colleague with previous experience with a client. . 2 Demonstrate communication methods that meet an individual’s communication needs, wishes and preferences. Overcoming language differences and communication. First of all you will need to find out where the person is from and their culture, a use of a dictionary in their language will also help and be prepared to learn a fill words in their language. Other ways of overcoming the language barriers is the use of flashcards to indicate there needs but the most effective way communication with a person who speaks another language is a non-verbal communication.
The use of gestures can also be helpful but bear in mind that some gestures can be extremely offensive in some cultures. An interpreter is also another alternative in a serious discussion. A smile and a friendly face can be the key to overcome communication barriers. Meeting communication needs for someone with a hearing impairment. First of all make sure the persons hearing aid is working properly, installed with working batteries, clean, and that the person hearing aid is fitted correctly. Ensure the place where you sitting is quiet, light, and close enough so that the person can see your face clearly.
Some people with hearing impairment will lip read while others will use a form of sign language for communication. Give the service user extra time to process what you are trying to say, speak clearly and in the right tone of voice. Meeting communication needs for someone with visual impairment. As a carer we should know that a person with visual impairment is not sure what is going on around them because of their disability. The ways of overcoming that barrier: – making sure that you introduce yourself when entering their room -speaking clearly in a right tone of voice using touch to the hand and arm as saying you are concerned and sympathetic -find out from the client what system of communication they require -never take the arm of someone who is visually impaired to help them move around, allow the person the person to take your arm and ask for guidance. Meeting communication needs of people with physical disability. – There is different ways to deal with disability because it would depend on the nature of the disability or illness. For example if your client had a stroke you will need to use very short sentences, speaking slowly and allowing the person to process what you have said and compose a reply.
Using gestures and simple questions which only need a yes or a no answer is always a good method of communication. Writing, drawing or using flash cards is also another way of communication. – Neurone disease or cerebral palsy can also lead to speech difficulty, it means that there is no need to speak slowly as the person will understand perfectly what you are saying but it will be difficult to reply back to you. Also you will have to become familiar with sounds and the way the person communicate. Meeting the communication needs of people with a learning disability.
When working with people with learning disability you have to adjust to their way of communication. You should gatherer essential information about the person and their level of understanding and kind of communication is most effective. One of the ways to communicate with a person with learning disability is physical contact, some people have a better understanding with physical level rather than a verbal level, but this will depend in each individual. 2. 3How and when to seek advice about communication The best way to find out in who to communicate with a person is asking themselves.
However if communication is not possible you can ask their family or a close friend. Nevertheless when communication is hard and you fill that the person you are communicating with is not capturing the message you should seek advice by asking your line manager in getting specialists or organisations involved and helping you to communicate. There are many organisations with specified knowledge about communication with individuals with sensory loss. Do not assume you can do everything yourself. You should seek advice whenever you have doubts so you can provide the best service possible. . 1 Identify barriers to effective communication There are many barriers which effect communication. Culture is one of them. We take for granted that everyone has the same view of point of communication. In some cultures a younger person shouldn’t have eye contact with the oldest and some articular gestures can be very disrespectful. The is also the language barrier, so remember when communicating with a person who speaks a different language from you, you should speak clearly, using proper words without abbreviation, in a right tune of voice.
Communicating with people with sensory loss can be a barrier. The best way to overcome the barriers: -list the problems to the communication. -list the ways you could try to overcome the communication problems. 3. 2Demonstrate ways to reduce barriers to effect communication -making the person feel as comfortable as possible -use gestures and pictures -give extra time for the person to process what you have said -smile, showing a positive expression -be warn and encouraging -make use of a dictionary if needed -speak clearly in a right tone of voice check hearing aid to see if it is working properly -use appropriate signing -use writing communication -reduce noise and improve lighting -repeating information if necessary -keep calm and remain patient -keep conversation sort and simple with someone who has difficulty in replay -judge appropriate level of communication -make sure conversation has been understood Remember you should always give your client the opportunity to express their needs and preferences Demonstrate ways to check that communication has been understood Making sure the person understood the conversation is vital.
You can do that by: -listening effectively -ask the person to recap the discussion -maintain eye contact, to the person’s reaction -use of body language -make use of questions like (what, how, why, when and where) -showing interest to the conversation by leaning slightly -check their facial expression to see if the person has engaged in the conversation. 3. 4 Identify sources of information and support or services to enable more effective communication Language issues: You may need the service of an interpreter.
You can find details of how to contact one from: your line manager, social services, police, embassy or the consulate of the person in need. Illness that affect people’s ability to produce sounds, use their neck and facial muscles may need the use of assistive technology. Some people will need advice of a speech and language therapist. People with sensory loss can use the NRCPD. This includes sign language, interpreters, lip readers, deaf blind communication and note takes. 4. 1Explain the term confidentiality
Confidentiality means not sharing information about someone’s private personal information without their knowledge and consent. 4. 2Demonstrate confidentiality in a day-to-day communication in line with agreed ways of communication All the information someone gives or is given on their behalf to an organisation is confidential and it should not be passed on. In some situations personal information needs to be passed on to a hospital, residential home, to a private agency. However only the information which is required should be given.
It is unethical to disclose of any information or talk about peoples personal issues with family, friends and colleagues. 4. 3 Write a page paper – Describe situations where information normally considered to be confidential might need to be passed on There are many situations where confidential information should be passed on. If you receive an information about child abuse you should report the information even if the child refuses to agree. But if an adult or an elderly person has been abused you have to have their consent, you can only persuade them to allow you to pass on the information.
Police might need personal information about an individual if they have been involved in a serious crime. In a situation when an individual threats to harm someone else or if they put others in danger. 4. 4 Explain how and when to seek advice about confidentiality If you are unsure when to maintain confidentiality you should seek advice from your manager whether is regarding clients or colleagues. Maintaining trust and relationship with others is very important so check the organisation on information and confidentiality