Question 1.The act of measuring a process, which results in improvement because it is being measured, is known as the     

Question 2.Socioeconomic data includes all EXCEPT  

Question 3.____________ show performance indicators in a health care system.

Question 4.An example of a new quality measure is 

Question 5.Which of the following methods for collecting new data is more cost effective?

Question 6.Which of the following methods for collecting new data is more resource intensive?

Question 7.Which statement is true about Outcome measures? 

Question 8.Deming’s PDSA model has 4 stages.  “D” stands for what? 

Question 9.An example of quantitative data is all EXCEPT 

Question 10.An example of a Process metric is all EXCEPT 

Question 11.___________ is the same as “80-20 rule”. 

Question 12.When comparing organizations against a benchmark, it is important to compare apples to apples per se.  Adjusting for the severity of the patients seen is necessary. What is the purpose of severity adjustment?

Question 13.The approach of following a patient’s health into the future is called

Question 14.The independent Kaiser Family Foundation 

Question 15.___________ means that data are only collected on a subset of a population. 

Question 16.Donabedian’s model of care is categorized into 3 groups. What are the three groups?

Question 17.One method used to extract new data is 

Question 18.In what stage of PDSA do we identify the problem? 

Question 19.Demographic data includes all EXCEPT 

Question 20.Which statement about new quality measures is true? 

Question 21.___________ is the most frequently used data because of its ability to generate actionable information for quality improvement purposes. 

Question 22.FOCUS is 

Question 23.What is the first step to ensure success in any quality improvement initiative?

Question 24. Data is essential in measuring quality. Data is all of the following EXCEPT 

Question 25.The law of large numbers is referring to what? 

Question 26.The principal model for assessing the quality of health care is called

Question 27.Process measures are used most often in quality improvement because

Question 28.Another name for the cause-n-effect diagram is 

Question 29.An example of a Structure metric is all EXCEPT 

Question 30.___________ is the process of determining how an organization’s outcomes compare with a regional or national standard.

Question 31.The reasons to collect new data instead of existing data includes all EXCEPT

Question 32.___________ is electing the “vital few” measures that will support the improvement endeavor. 

Question 33.Some of the advantages of using existing internal data resources over new data to be collected are all EXCEPT

Question 34.Clinical data includes all EXCEPT

Question 35.The definition of ___________ is data collected specifically to detect unanticipated consequences of modifications to the process of care. 

Question 36.Which statement is true about convenience-based sampling strategies? 

Question 37.When a care process is being evaluated during an improvement project, it can

Question 38.___________ requires that information that can identify patients must be carefully safeguarded by entities that provide health care.

Question 39.Which of the following methods for collecting new data is more time consuming?

Question 40.Existing measures can include all EXCEPT 

Question 41. NCQA’s HEDIS consists of several measures that include all EXCEPT

Question 42.___________ coined the phrase “the vital few and the trivial many” 

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