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HA1022 Principles of Financial Management Group Assignment
Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
Trimester T2 2020
Unit Code HA1022
Unit Title Principles of Financial Management
Assessment Type Group Assignment
Assessment Title Research on the Australian Financial Market
Purpose of the
assessment (with ULO
To complete this assessment, students are required to:
1. Explain the institutional framework of the Australian financial system.
2. Discuss the financial instruments available from their chosen company.
their uses and apply the financial concepts to their chosen company.
3. Perform financial ratio calculations and analysis.
4. Assess the relationships between financial institutions that make up their
chosen industry.
Weight 40% of the total assessments
Total Marks 40
Word limit 3,000 words (Maximum)
Due Date Week 10 – Friday 25th, September, 2020 at 5pm
• All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed
Assignment Cover Page.
• The assignment must be in MS Word format, no spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2cm
margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page
• Use appropriate referencing (in-text citation and reference lists)
Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report and listed appropriately at
the end in a reference list using Harvard referencing style.
• Submitted work should be your original work showing your creativity. I need help writing my essay – research paper ensure
the self-check for similarity to be done before final submission in accordance with
SafeAssign Student Guide in Blackboard. I need help writing my essay – research paper note that it can take 48 hours for
the self-check report to be available for your viewing.
• You are required to submit the assignment at Group Assignment Final Submission,
which is under Assessment folder on Blackboard. Always keep an electronic copy
until you have received the final grade for the Unit. I need help writing my essay – research paper make sure that you
submit the correct file. Any appeal relating to wrong submission after the deadline
will not be considered.
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HA1022 Principles of Financial Management Group Assignment
Assignment Specifications
Assignment Tasks
The assignment task is a written report and analysis of your chosen financial institution and the
financial environment. You will be required to apply the financial concepts you have learned in
class to your chosen industry and company.
In groups of 3-4, students should first choose one ASX listed company to undertake financial ratio,
market and competitor analysis. Finally, identify the regulator of the industry and your chosen ASX
Listed Company and the recent actions (within the last 3 years) that they have taken to control ethical
behaviour in the industry.
Note that groups cannot have the same ASX Listed Company. The first-come, first-served rule will
Assignment Structure should be as the following:
Requirement/s and Guide Questions
1 Industry Description (4 marks, up to 400 words)
a) Discuss the size of the industry and the level of competition.
b) Identify the regulator/s of the industry. Comment on the extent of the regulator’s
power to ensure compliance within the industry.
2 Company Description (6 marks, up to 600 words)
a) What is/are the main source of business (the main source of revenue)?
b) What is the ownership structure of your company?
3 Financial Instrument Analysis (6 marks, up to 600 words)
a) Secure a copy of the 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers or 2020 Balance Sheet and Income Statements of your
chosen firm and attach it as an exhibit or table in your appendix.
b) What are the financial instruments that your firm deals in? Check Assets, Liabilities
and Equities section. Also read through the Notes to Financial Statements to get a
better description of the financial instruments.
c) Evaluate the cash or liquidity situation of the company and provide your opinion
based on the liquidity ratios.
4 Financial Structure Analysis (10 marks, up to 1000 words)
Suppose your chosen company requires AUD 10 Million to finance a new project and your
finance managers are evaluating whether to borrow or issue new shares.
a) Identify 2 key financial ratios that will be important to creditors.
b) Identify 2 key financial ratios that will be important to shareholders.
c) Calculate the 4 financial ratios (above) based on the financial statements you have
d) Based purely on Financial Ratios, recommend whether it is better for the company to
borrow the AUD 10 Million or issue AUD 10 Million new shares.
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HA1022 Principles of Financial Management Group Assignment
5 Financial Market Analysis (8 marks, up to 600 words)
a) Conduct further research on your chosen company and explain the governance
environment of the company. Has it been involved in any unethical practices in the
past? How did the regulators and investors react? What corrective actions were taken
by the company? If there has been no reported incidence of unethical behaviour,
comment on your chosen company’s strategies that ensure compliance with the law.
6 Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations (4 marks, up to 400 words)
Based on a summary of your findings, conclude whether the financial market for your chosen
industry is healthy.
7 Presentation of Paper (including Assignment Cover Page and Reference List) – 2 marks and
not included in word count
Marking Criteria Weighting
Industry Description 4
Company Description 6
Financial Instrument Analysis 6
Financial Structure Analysis 10
Financial Market Analysis 8
Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations 4
Presentation of Paper (including references) 2
TOTAL Weight 40
Academic Integrity
Holmes Institute is committed to ensuring and upholding Academic Integrity, as Academic Integrity
is integral to maintaining academic quality and the reputation of Holmes’ graduates. Accordingly, all
assessment tasks need to comply with academic integrity guidelines. Table 1 identifies the six
categories of Academic Integrity breaches. If you have any questions about Academic Integrity issues
related to your assessment tasks, please consult your lecturer or tutor for relevant referencing
guidelines and support resources. Many of these resources can also be found through the Study Sills
link on Blackboard.
Academic Integrity breaches are a serious offence punishable by penalties that may range from
deduction of marks, failure of the assessment task or unit involved, suspension of course enrolment,
or cancellation of course enrolment.
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HA1022 Principles of Financial Management Group Assignment
Table 1: Six Categories of Academic Integrity Breaches
Plagiarism Reproducing the work of someone else without attribution.
When a student submits their own work on multiple occasions
this is known as self-plagiarism.
Collusion Working with one or more other individuals to complete an
assignment, in a way that is not authorised.
Copying Reproducing and submitting the work of another student,
with or without their knowledge. If a student fails to take
reasonable precautions to prevent their own original work
from being copied, this may also be considered an offence.
Impersonation Falsely presenting oneself, or engaging someone else to
present as oneself, in an in-person examination.
Contract cheating Contracting a third party to complete an assessment task,
generally in exchange for money or other manner of
Data fabrication and
Manipulating or inventing data with the intent of supporting
false conclusions, including manipulating images.
Source: INQAAHE, 2020
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HA1022 Principles of Financial Management Group Assignment
Marking Rubric
(85% – full marks given)
Very Good (80%) Good (65%) Satisfactory (50%) Unsatisfactory (0%)
Description (4%)
Identification of the players
within the industry, the level of
competition, the regulators of
the industry and how they
interact with each other.
Identification of the players
within the industry, the level of
competition, and the regulators
of the industry.
Identification of the
players within the industry
and the level of
Identification of the players
within the industry.
No introduction or description
of the industry.
Identified an ASX Listed
Company within the chosen
industry with clarity and
relevance and have included all
3 of the requirements of the
section and linked them with
the company’s mission, vision
and goals.
Identified an ASX Listed
Company within the chosen
industry with some clarity and
relevance and have included all
3 of the requirements of the
Identified an ASX Listed
Company within the
chosen industry with some
clarity and relevance and
have included at least 2 of
the requirements of the
Identified an ASX Listed
Company within the chosen
industry with some clarity and
relevance and have included at
least 1 of the requirements of
the section.
No introduction or description
of the ASX Listed Company
included in the report.
Inappropriate choice of
organisation. Not in the
approved list nor in the
correct industry.
Analysis (6%)
Balance Sheet and Income
Statement attached in
appendices and at least 2
financial instruments have
been identified and analysed
correctly. Check for any OBS
business has been done and
commented on. Risk
between Balance Sheet and
OBS business in terms of
volume has been analysed.
Balance Sheet and Income
Statement attached in
appendices and at least 2
financial instruments have
been identified and analysed
correctly. Check for any OBS
business has been done and
commented on. If none,
then a comment must still be
Balance Sheet and
Income Statement
attached in appendices
and at least 2 financial
instruments have been
identified and analysed
Balance Sheet and Income
Statement attached in
appendices and at least 1
financial instrument has been
identified and analysed
Balance Sheet and Income
Statement not attached in
Financial instruments not
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HA1022 Principles of Financial Management Group Assignment
Analysis (10%)
Balance Sheet and Income
Statement attached in
appendices and all 6
financial ratios appropriate
for the company has been
chosen and analysed
correctly. Analysis of
whether each ratio is a
strength or weakness is
Conclusion provided on
whether AUD 10 Million is to
be raised using debt or
Excellent marks will be given
if the 6 ratios are linked with
each other or if more
relevant ratios are provided
and analysed.
Balance Sheet and Income
Statement attached in
appendices and at least 6
financial ratios appropriate
for the company has been
chosen and analysed
correctly. Analysis of whether
each ratio is a strength or
weakness is provided.
Conclusion provided on
whether AUD 10 Million is to
be raised using debt or
Balance Sheet and
Income Statement
attached in appendices
and at least 4 financial
ratios appropriate for
the company has been
chosen and analysed
correctly. Analysis of
whether each ratio is a
strength or weakness is
Conclusion provided on
whether AUD 10 Million
is to be raised using debt
or equity.
Balance Sheet and Income
Statement attached in
appendices and at least 2
financial ratios appropriate
for the company has been
chosen and analysed
correctly. Analysis of
whether ratio is a strength
or weakness is provided.
Balance Sheet and Income
Statement not attached in
Financial ratios not
appropriate for the
company and/or incorrectly
Financial Market
Analysis (8%)
Good data presented in
support of the role/s or the
ASX Listed company within
the financial system and well
researched ethical issues that
are linked to company
practices and policies.
Good data presented in
support of the role/s or the
ASX Listed company within
the financial system and well
researched ethical issues
within the chosen industry.
Good research on role/s
of the ASX Listed
company within the
financial system,
including the level of
regulation within the
Enough research to support
comment on the role of the
chosen ASX Listed Company
within the financial system.
Inadequate research to
support the financial
market analysis. No
comment on the role of
the chosen ASX Company
in the financial system.
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HA1022 Principles of Financial Management Group Assignment
Conclusion and
ns (4%)
Presenting a wide range of
adequate recommendations
that exemplarily supported
by justification and analysis;
Using data and information
derived from financial
analysis completed in an
efficient, analytical and
logical manner;
Presenting very good
recommendations that
properly supported by
justification and analysis;
Data and information derived
from financial analysis
completed are properly used
to support the
Presenting adequate
recommendations that
properly supported by
justification and
Data and information
derived from financial
analysis completed are
properly used to support
the recommendations
Demonstrating limited
justification and analysis of
the given recommendations;
Providing no
recommendations or
recommendations for
financial institutions;
No relevant justification
using data and information
derived from the analysis of
financial statements;
Presentation of
Paper – including
Demonstrated a high level of
understanding and skills of
academic writing by means
of criticism, logical
argument, and interpretation
of data and information.
Assignment Cover Page and
Reference List provided and
can be traced to in text
citation. Reference list is
appropriate for the research.
Very rational demonstration
of the ability to present the
ideas in proper analytical
and contextual level
Assignment Cover Page and
Reference List provided and
can be traced to in text
citation. Reference list is
appropriate for the research.
Demonstrating the
ability to present the
ideas in proper
analytical and
contextual level
Assignment Cover Page
and Reference List
provided and can be
traced to in text citation.
Demonstrating limited skills
of academic writing in terms
of structure, presentation,
wordings and referencing
Assignment Cover Page and
Reference List provided
Failing to meet the
requirements of academic
writing in terms of
structure, presentation,
wordings and referencing.
No Assignment Cover Page
and Reference List
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HA1022 Principles of Financial Management Group Assignment
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