GRM 697 The Research Process TEST THREEMultiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)1. What is the correct order of steps in testing a hypothesis?a. statement of null hypothesis, setting level of risk, selection of test statisticb. statement of null hypothesis, computation of test statistic, selection of test statisticc. selection of test statistic, comparison of obtained value to critical value, computation of test statisticd. selection of test statistic, computation of test statistic, statement of null hypothesis2. What is the statistical test for examining the significant difference between two means from twounrelated groups?a. t-test for dependent meansb. MANOVAc. t-test for independent meansd. factor analysis3. If the two groups you are comparing are related to each other, what test should you use?a. factor analysisb. MANOVAc. t-test for independent meansd. t-test for dependent means4. When examining whether group differences occur on more than one dependent variable, what should be used?a. factor analysisb. MANOVAc. t-test for independent meansd. t-test for dependent means5. When examining the significance of the relationship between two variables, what test should youuse?a. t-test for dependent meansb. t-test for independent meansc. t-test for the correlation coefficientd. analysis of varianceUnit 3 Examination138GRM 697 The Research Process6. If Helen mistakenly accepts her null hypothesis when it should be rejected, what has occurred?a. Type I errorb. Type II errorc. researcher biasd. None of the above.7. How can Type II errors be reduced?a. decreasing sample sizeb. homogeneous populationc. increasing sample sized. heterogeneous population8. The level of significance is similar to which of the following?a. a Type I errorb. a Type II errorc. a bell curved. the null hypothesis9. What does the central limit theorem enable researchers to do?a. compare means from two independent samplesb. generalize the results from a sample to a population without knowing the exact nature of the populationâs distributionc. compute the significance of a relationship between two variablesd. reduce the possibility that chance accounts for variability in the variable of interest10. What is the second step in developing an interview?a. state the purpose of the interviewb. select an appropriate samplec. develop questionsd. train the interviewers11. When conducting an interview, what should you be careful NOT to do?a. begin the interview coldb. be directc. dress appropriatelyd. use a tape recorderUnit 3 Examination139GRM 697 The Research Process12. Which is the weakest correlation?a. + 0.76b. + 0.21c. – 0.01d. – 0.8813. What would a correlation of .35 be called?a. moderateb. weakc. very strongd. very weak14. If your research does NOT include a treatment or control group, what type of research are youconducting?a. experimental researchb. causal-comparative researchc. descriptive researchd. quasi-experimental research15. Which interview question is open-ended?a. Do you smoke?b. Are you married?c. How old are you?d. How do you feel about tests?16. What is the third step of developing an interview?a. selecting a sampleb. developing the questionsc. training the interviewersd. stating the purpose of the interview17. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of interviews?a. You may obtain additional helpful information from the intervieweeâs nonverbal be havior or the environment.b. They are relatively inexpensive as they do not require much time.c. You can use rapport to help put the interviewee at ease.d. You can schedule the interviews at times that are convenient to you.Unit 3 Examination140GRM 697 The Research Process18. What type of research is sometimes called âresearch without the numbersâ?a. quantitativeb. qualitativec. experimentald. correlational19. Which would NOT be considered a source of information for qualitative research?a. testsb. recordsc. observationd. interviews20. The fifth step in conducting historical research is _______________.a. evaluating authenticity and accuracy of evidenceb. formulating a hypothesisc. defining a topic or problemd. integrating data21. What is data that is derived from sources at least once removed from the original event?a. secondary sourcesb. global sourcesc. primary sourcesd. informal sources22. What is the criteria of authenticity also known as?a. validity checksb. external criticismc. internal criticismd. accuracy23. What is another term for accuracy?a. authenticityb. secondaryc. internal criticismd. validityUnit 3 Examination141GRM 697 The Research Process24. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of participant observation?a. It is time-consuming.b. There is a risk of interfering with the natural process.c. It is a primary method used in historical research.d. It is a primary method used in ethnography.25. Which of the following is NOT a qualitative computer research tool?a. N6b. SPSSc. NVivod. HyperSEARCH
Submit a continuous monitoring plan laying out the foundation for continuously monitoring the organization against malicious activities and intentional and unintentional threats. This milestone also focuses on work setting techniques and work planning pol
Submit a continuous monitoring plan laying out the foundation for continuously monitoring the organization against malicious activities and intentional and unintentional threats. This milestone also focuses on work setting techniques and work planning policies to help employees improve their stress anxiety, fatigue, and boredom. As part of the planned solution, you will propose to mitigate […]