The goal is to write a response paper related to your reading of Thucydides’ account of the Plague of Athens and its aftermath, as described in Book 2, paragraphs 47-65 of The Peloponnesian War. This account both describes the plague, its symptoms and effect on the Athenians. It also includes an impassioned speech by Pericles for the populace to hold fast in his strategy for victory in the war, despite hardships. The account ends with the death of Pericles and a description of the generation of his successors. I would be interested if you would compare this plague to the pandemic that we are presently experiencing. Does your present experience help you to read Thucydides differently? Feel free to express both your ideas and feelings in the paper. It can be partially a creative exercise. I am offering you the latitude to approach this response paper as a very personal reflection thinking about a devastating experience in Ancient Athens that now has unique echoes in our day.
The paper should be about 3 or 4 paragraphs, a page and a half or two pages in length. It should be double-spaced, in 12-point font. It is a response paper that requires reading the account and responding to it. But when quoting from Thucydides, please indicate the Book and paragraph number in The Peloponnesian War, and be sure to indicate which edition you are using.