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Paragraph 1: What is the connection between altitude, microclimate, and vegetation in and around the Grand Canyon? I need help writing my essay – research paper give examples from the lab, and you can also include your own observations.

Paragraph 2: What is the connection between the direction a slope faces (aspect), microclimate, and vegetation in and around the Grand Canyon? I need help writing my essay – research paper give examples from the lab, and you can also include your own observations.

Paragraph 3: Was there anything in particular that struck you as particularly interesting about the connection between topography, microclimates, and vegetation? I need help writing my essay – research paper do not simply write down a sentence. Explain your idea, and elaborate with at least a few sentences.

Paragraph 4: I need help writing my essay – research paper provide you thoughts on this geovisualization as a tool to investigate connections between microclimate and the biomass (abundance) of vegetation. I need help writing my essay – research paper do not simply write down a sentence. Explain your idea, and elaborate with at least a few sentences.

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