Each student must prepare an essay discussing a specific aspect of globalisation. This is an individual assignment that students must complete independently.
The topic of the essay must be the topic specified by the outline submitted as assignment two by the same student.( I have attached the assignment 2 )
The essay should be approximately 2,000 words in length. (Submissions will be accepted that are between 1,800 and 2,200 words in length.) Note that appendices, headings, and front matter are not included in the total word count.
The essay should include a detailed and thoughtful analysis of relevant, quality literature that discusses a range of perspectives on the topic you have chosen. Having discussed the various perspectives and supported by examples from the literature or your own experience you should take a clear position on the topic. You should also ensure that the relevance of the topic to practitioners in IT is discussed and potential challenges to our understanding of IT now and in the future.
The report should use an appropriate business report format and include:
• Introduction, a brief overview of the field and lay the groundwork for the subsequent discussion;
• Body, tell the story of the development of the topic, explaining how developments in the field fit together (supported via references);
• Conclusion; highlight key points made in the body of the discussion and provide conclusions;
• References (Harvard Style (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.);
• Appendices (if applicable).
The essay should be developed as an academic paper and contain an introduction, discussion, conclusion and bibliography. Appendices may be include if required. Note that only books and peer-reviewed academic papers should be used (not blogs, corporate flyers, Wikipedia or other internet resources).
The marking guide has been provided for your reference. It is recommended that you review the marking guide during the development of the paper so that you can ensure that your content, format and structure are aligned with the assessment criteria

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