For the first assignment, I’d like you to consider the stories that are important to you. These can be novels or other books if you’d like, but if reading isn’t usually your forté, feel free to consider other narrative forms: films, television shows, plays, podcasts, journalism, or really anything that tells a story.
Choose one narrative that you’re particularly familiar with and fond of, and answer the following questions. Your answers should be 5-7 sentences long each.
What is the narrative you’ve chosen? Include the name of the author, a brief summary of what it’s about, and any other relevant information.
Think back to our last unit – what genre does this narrative fall under? Some examples of genres in fiction and film are science fiction, mystery, romance, or historical.
What drew you into this narrative? Think about the narrative terms – was it the plot, the characters, the setting, or perhaps the tone?
Now think about the narrative you’ve chosen in terms of Vonnegut’s shapes. Does it fit into one of the shapes he describes, or can you draw your own curve that suits it?

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