Gender Identity

Directions: I need help writing my essay – research paper be sure to complete Part 1 and Part 2. Type in all black, size 12 Times New Roman font. Thanks & happy writing!

“Doing Gender” Part 1/2
Directions: A person is considered to be “doing gender” based on the tasks or characteristics they display. For this assignment, analyze how you are “doing gender” in your daily life. Think about how your clothes, hair, music, hobbies, the type of car you drive, the t.v shows you watch, your body language during conversations, say about your gender.

List 5 Ways You Are “Doing Gender
2. wearing mam

Socialization of Gender Part 2/2
Directions: Select 3 of the 4 factors of socialization (from the gender & sex chapter) to explain how each factor shaped/impacted your gender identity or how you “do gender”. Your explanation for each factor should be no less than 1 paragraph.
List the Factor of Socialization
(Only select 3 factors) Explain How the Factor of Socialization Shaped/impacted Your Gender Identity, How you Express Your Gender, or Sexual Orientation
Factor of Socialization: Media
Factor of Socialization: Family
Factor of Socialization:


Gender Identity Gender Identity Gender Identity Gender Identity Gender Identity Gender Identity Gender Identity Gender

I need help writing my essay – research paper be sure to complete both Parts 1 and 2. Type in Times New Roman font, size 12, in all black. Thank you, and happy writing!

Part 1 of “Doing Gender”

The tasks or qualities that a person exhibits are used to determine if they are “doing gender.” Analyze how you “do gender” in your daily life for this project. Consider what your clothes, hair, music, hobbies, car, television shows you watch, and body language during conversations indicate about your gender.

List five ways you are “doing gender.”


2. putting on mam




Gender Socialization Part 2/2

Directions: Select 3 of the 4 factors of socialization (from the gender & sex chapter) to

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