Week 4 Assignment
Research the various change models used by organizations today.
After assessing these models, create a change model conducive to your field,
and that will work within your organization’s culture. This model should serve
to implement a strategic process that can help your organization integrate a
change and respond to the internal or external driving forces that affect
organizational success.
Create a visual representation of your model using a graphic
organizer of your choice (flow chart, concept map, etc.). The design of your
model will be unique and relevant to your organization, based on a critical
analysis of its culture and behavior. However, your model must demonstrate the
necessary steps for realistic implementation. Your model will be assessed on
the quality of strategic implementation you design, the support you present for
your model, and inclusion of the following concepts:

Methods to
evaluate the need for change
Approach and
criteria for choosing individuals or teams necessary for a change
Strategies to
gather stakeholder support and overcome resistance

Once you have created your model, prepare a 15-20 slide PowerPoint
presentation to present your model and demonstrate how this model is relevant
to your organization and why it will work well within your organization’s
culture. In conclusion, discuss why this model will lead to sustainable change
when most change initiatives fail.You will utilize this
change model for your final paper.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the
Ace homework tutors – APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not

Hello everyone – your Week 4 assignment requires you to
prepare a PowerPoint presentation that contains specific information including
your change model. This model will be a graphic that you have developed
to portray designed to address proposed changes in your organization. You
can use a flow chart of any other pictorial view to portray it – I’ve added an
example below of one:
Change Model XYZ Corporation
This model depicts a change process from start to finish and is
only one example of how to present it in a flow chart – this is not the only
way to present a model – I DO NOT want to see a copy of any other models – this
must be your own work.

Narmadha, S. (2013). Change model. Retrieved
from: .com/diagram/example/h981777l1/Change%20Management”>http://creately.com/diagram/example/h981777l1/Change%20Management

When creating your PowerPoint presentation remember to keep each
slide concise – make notes and follow the points outlined in the assignment –
include your model on one slide – add extra dialogue to the notes
section. Also add the references to your final slide. Here
are some tips:
Organize your PowerPoint


When previewing your presentation, pay attention to:

Text on each
slide (the less text the better)
Graphics – they
are okay but size them appropriately – don’t let the graphics take
over the presentation
Clarity of ideas
and logical organization
Font and format
Flow – from
beginning to end
spelling, and punctuation -check and double check

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Essays Scribe
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