Funding Global Expansion | Business & Finance
This short paper task is designed to inform Milestone Three: Securing Funding, due in Module Seven. In the short paper, you will explore the different types of funding available to foreign corporations in the global market.
The company is Wal-Mart(you’re company).
Plz follow rubric.
r Guidelines and Rubric: Funding Global Expansion Overview: For this task, you will explore the different types of funding available to foreign corporations in the global market. This task is designed to inform Final Project Milestone Three: Global Expansion Funding, due in Module Seven. Prompt: First, review the module resources (including the optional resources which may also be useful in completing this task). In addition, do a bit of research on your own regarding global financing options. Large global banks, such as HBSC or Bank of America—ones that have extensive experience with foreign lending policies—detail their global loan procedures on their websites. Next, address the following critical elements:
Funding Options: Identify and describe the possible options of financing available for your selected company as it expands globally, for example, debt- issuing bonds, taking a loan, equity, issuing a new stock, etc. Briefly explain why these options are a good fit for your company.
Requirements, Rules, and Regulations: Identify and discuss the requirements, rules, and regulations of the banking system in the selected global market in regards to lending to foreign companies.
Impact: How will these requirements, rules, and regulations impact your company’s financing decisions?
Mode of Entry: What mode of entry would be most beneficial for your selected company (for example, merger, greenfield investment of just exporting)? Why?
Refer to your text, module, and other course resources, as well as your own research, to support your responses.
Rubric Guidelines for Submission: The short paper should follow these formatting guidelines: 1–2 pages in length, double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA style. Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Funding Options Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates sophisticated understanding of global financing
Identifies and describes the possible options of financing available for the selected company as it expands globally
Identifies, but does not sufficiently describe, the possible options of financing available for the selected company as it expands globally
Does not identify or describe the possible options of financing available for the selected company as it expands globally
Requirements, Rules, and
Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the requirements, rules, and regulations of the international banking system
Identifies and discusses the requirements, rules, and regulations of the banking system in the selected global market in regards to lending to foreign companies
Identifies, but does not sufficiently discuss, the requirements, rules, and regulations of the banking system in the selected global market in regards to lending to foreign companies
Does not identify or discuss the requirements, rules, and regulations of the banking system in the selected global market in regards to lending to foreign companies
Impact Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the international banking system
Discusses how the requirements, rules, and regulations of the banking system will impact the selected company’s financing decisions
Discusses how the requirements, rules, and regulations of the banking system will impact the selected company’s financing decisions, but discussion is cursory or lacking in detail
Does not discuss how the requirements, rules, and regulations of the banking system will impact the selected company’s financing decisions
Mode of Entry Meets “Proficient” criteria and description demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of international modes of entry
Identifies and discusses the mode of entry that would be most beneficial for the selected company
Identifies, but does not sufficiently discuss, the mode of entry that would be most beneficial for the selected company
Does not identify or discuss the mode of entry that would be most beneficial for the selected company
Articulation of Response
Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy to read format
Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas
Total 100%