Foundational Pioneers In Informatics Essay
Foundational Pioneers In Informatics Essay 6
The smartphone has become an increasingly valuable tool in the
field of medicine. Because of the phone’s small size and powerful
computing capabilities, doctors, nurses, and researchers use
these smartphones in a wide range of areas. For example,
smartphones can be used as an electrocardiogram, to perform
ultrasound procedures, to track patient progress, and as a
decision support tool for generating diagnoses (Ozdalga, Ozdalga
& Ahuja, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). Like most innovative technologies, the smartphone
and its applications are a result of many years of incremental
research and development.
In this Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion, you focus on those who set the stage for the
field of informatics today. By Day 1, your Instructor will assign you
one of the pioneers in the field of informatics to research.
To prepare:
Read the articles listed in the Learning Resources for your
assigned informatics pioneer.
Conduct research in the Walden Library or on the Internet to find
additional works by or information about the individual.
Determine his or her area of interest and affiliations in the medical
Reflect on the contributions he or she made to the field of
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