PSY320 – Language Development
in Young Children
Project Outline
Due: 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday of Unit 5
Points: 100
Forthis assignment, you will be composing an outline for your final research project.
Identify each section of the paper and include at least three sentences for each
section explaining what you plan to discuss. Be sure to review the grading rubric
The following information must be included in the Project Outline:
• Introduction
• Body of the paper, which should cover at least the following:
o Description and definition of overall characteristics of
delay/disorder, its causes, and how it manifests itself in
behavior, cognition, speech, and language.
o Assessment tools.
o Interventions and instructionalstrategies.
o Treatment options.
o Evaluation and treatment alternatives.
o Specific recommendations to parents and teachers for
learning modifications in the classroom and at home.
• Conclusion
• Sixth edition Ace homework tutors – APA Style citations and formatting:
o Typed, double spaced, 12 pointTimes NewRoman font
o Cover page and (if necessary) Reference page
Useful Resources:
• ThePurdueOWL: Sampleoutlines.(n.d.).ThePurdueOnlineWritingLab.
• Writinganoutline.(n.d.).AustinCommunityCollege.
Be sure to read the criteria, by which your project will be evaluated, before you write,
and againafter youwrite.
Evaluation Rubric for Project Outline Assignment
CRITERIA Deficient Satisfactory Proficient
0 – 13 Points 14 – 17 Points 18 – 20 Points
Purpose and
significance of the
research topic and
all major points of
missing,vague, or
do not connect.
Purpose and
significance of the
research topicand all
major points of the
project are somewhat
explained; intentions
are unclear.
The purpose,
significance, and all
major points of the
research project are
clearly stated.
0 – 27 Points 28 – 35 Points 36 – 40 Points
Required information
is lacking in detail,
missing, or
Required information
is provided but is
somewhat unclear;
lacking information
and specific detail.
Body includes all
requirements that are
relevant, accurate,
and discussed in
clear detail.
0 – 13 Points 14 – 17 Points 18 – 20 Points
Conclusion does not
summarize main
points and intentions
of the research project.
summarizes all main
points and intentions
but is somewhat
unclear or
summarizes all main
points and intentions of
the research project
Ace homework tutors – APA, Grammar and
Does not meet Ace homework tutors – APA
format. Has significant
grammatical and
mechanical errors.
Some Ace homework tutors – APA,
grammatical, and/or
Minimal to none Ace homework tutors – APA,
grammatical, and/or
mechanical errors.


PSY320 – Language Development is a course that teaches you how to develop your language skills.

in Infants and Children

Plan of the Project

Unit 5 is due at 11:59 p.m. EST on Sunday.

100 points


You will be writing an outline for your final research project for this assignment.

Identify and include at least three sentences for each area of the document.

section outlining what you intend to discuss Make sure to go over the grading rubric.



The Project Outline must include the following information:

• Getting Started

• The main body of the document, which should include at least the following:

o Describe and define the overall qualities of

delay/disorder, its origins, and manifestations in

Behavior, intellect, speech, and language are all examples of cognitive abilities.

o Assessment tools.

o Interventions and instructionalstrategies.

o Treatment options.

o Evaluation and treatment alternatives.

o Specific recommendations

Published by
Research Helper
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