To prepare for this assignment:
Review the document, “Not in My Neighborhood: An Essay on Policing Place,” and think about the value of forensic psychology professionals in assisting police professional interactions with macro communities.
Review the article, “Prisoner Reentry and Community Policing: Strategies for Enhancing Public Safety.” Consider the value in forensic psychology professionals influencing police professional interactions with macro communities.
Review the article, “Law Enforcement and the Public: The Role of Intergroup Accommodations.” Consider the value of forensic psychology professionals influencing communication and interaction between police professionals and macro communities.
Consider the relevant roles and skills of forensic psychology professionals in relation to police professionals and macro-community interactions. Think about the value of forensic psychology professionals influencing interactions between police professionals and macro communities.
The assignment (1–2 pages):
Analyze the value of forensic psychology professional influence on police professional interactions in macro communities. Be specific and include relevant roles and skills of the forensic psychology professional as they relate to and influence police professionals.
Support your responses with references to the Learning Resources and the research literature.
Learning Resources
Article: Daniels, J. A., Bradley, M. C., Cramer, D. P., Winkler, A. J., Kinebrew, K., & Crockett, D. (2007). The successful resolution of armed hostage/barricade events in schools: A qualitative analysis. Psychology in the Schools, 44(6), 601–613. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
Article: Giles, H., Barker, V., Fortman, J., Dailey, R., Hajek, C., Anderson, M. C. (2005). Law enforcement and the public: The role of intergroup accommodations (Top three paper). Conference Papers—International Communication Association, 1–43. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
Article: La Vigne, N. G., Solomon, A. L., Beckman, K. A., & Dedel, K. (2006 – Write a paper; Professional research paper writing service – Best essay writers). Prisoner reentry and community policing: Strategies for enhancing public safety. U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services and the Urban Institute, 1–28. Retrieved from
(I need help writing my essay – research paper read pp. 1–28 only.)
Article: Stix, G. (2009). Taming the madness of crowds. Scientific American, 300(3), 16. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
Government Document: Buslik, M. S. (2009). Not in my neighborhood: An essay on policing place (NCJ Publication No. 229230). Geography & Public Safety, 2(2), 3–6. Retrieved from