For this assignment, you will be creating a poster that summarizes your work on the evidence-based practice project. The poster should be in PowerPoint and should include the headings listed below.
Consider the following areas and use appropriate (bolded) areas below as sections for the poster.
1. The poster submission must be in PowerPoint using the poster template (you can use the sample poster in the Module 4 resources as a template).
2. The poster should include information from your Problem Statement, but should not be word-for-word or a copy-and-paste. It should be a summary.
3. A Review of the Literature section should include a brief overview of what you found in your literature review, with references cited.
4. The Objectives for the project and Proposed Methodology should be included. These should match the ones approved from the implementation plan and should be word-for-word.
5. Information regarding how you plan to Evaluate your project should be included.
6. An Implications for Practice section should be included.
7. Reflections may also be included, but this section is optional.
8. The references need to be in Ace homework tutors – APA format.
The poster will be the presentation of all your hard work and a wonderful visual to share with the class. Be creative and use space wisely for this assignment. Pictures and graphics may also be used to support and enhance your poster.
Module 4 Assignment Rubric
Module 4 Assignment Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent 20 to >16.0 pts
The poster thoroughly addresses assigned criteria. Content is exceptionally well-presented and argued; ideas are detailed, well-developed, and supported with specific evidence, facts, and examples. 16 to >14.0 pts
The poster adequately addresses the assigned criteria. Content is well-presented and argued; ideas are detailed, developed and supported with general evidence, facts and details. 14 to >0.0 pts
The poster minimally addresses the assigned criteria. Content is presented, but ideas are not well developed or supported. Some evidence or facts are presented, but are more general or less specific. 0 pts
The poster does not addresses the assigned criteria. Ideas are not clearly presented and not supported with evidence or facts.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization 20 to >16.0 pts
Submission is well-organized and easy for a reader to follow. 16 to >14.0 pts
Submission reflects some organization but is not easily followed by a reader. 14 to >0.0 pts
Submission is not effectively organized and is difficult for a reader to follow. 0 pts
Submission is disorganized and is difficult for a reader to follow.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources – Ace homework tutors – APA, references, and citations 10 to >8.0 pts
Scholarly sources are current and exceptionally well-integrated and support opinions argued in the assignment very effectively. Citations follow Ace homework tutors – APA guidelines – no errors. The minimum number of sources are used, following the assignment instructions. 8 to >7.0 pts
Scholarly sources are current and well integrated and effectively support the opinions argued in the assignment. One to three Ace homework tutors – APA errors, but the citation follow Ace homework tutors – APA guidelines. Minimum number of sources are used, following the assignment instructions. 7 to >0.0 pts
Sources support some opinions made in the assignment, but might not be integrated well within the argument. Not all sources are scholarly. Use Ace homework tutors – APA format with four to six errors. Minimum number of sources are used, following the assignment instructions. 0 pts
The assignment does not use scholarly sources or if it does, the sources are not integrated well. The sources are not cited correctly according to Ace homework tutors – APA guidelines. The minimum number of sources are not used, according to the assignment instructions.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics: grammar, punctuation and style 10 to >8.0 pts
Writing reflects no grammatical, punctuation or style errors. 8 to >7.0 pts
Writing reflects 1-3 grammatical, punctuation or style errors. 7 to >0.0 pts
Writing reflects 4-6 grammatical, punctuation or style errors. 0 pts
Writing reflects more than 6 grammatical punctuation or style errors.


You will create a poster that explains your work on the evidence-based practice project for this assignment. The poster should be created in PowerPoint and include the following headings.
Consider the following areas and utilize the appropriate (bolded) elements as poster sections.
1. The poster must be submitted in PowerPoint and must use the poster template (you can use the sample poster in the Module 4 resources as a template).
2. The content from your Problem Statement should be included on the poster, but not word-for-word or copied and pasted. It should be a synthesis.
3. The Review of the Literature part should include a summary of what you discovered in your literature review, along with citations.
4. The project’s goals and objectives
10 pts
Total Points: 60

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