After considering the author’s arguments, you will first summarize the article using the Rhetorical Precis` format and then you will express your response to the article in a paragraph based on rhetorical analysis. You may choose from the following readings:
“The ‘Other Side’ is Not Dumb,” by Sean Blanda, pp. 212-217
“Two Years are Better Than Four,” by Liz Addison, pp. 365-368
“How I Learned to Love Snapchat,” by Jenna Wortham, pp. 474-478 This assignment will need to follow a very specific format.
Paragraph #1: Academic Summary (Rhetorical Precis`)

The paragraph will need to contain the following:
The author’s name and relevant credentials (ie: What expertise does the author have to argue the issue?)
The title of the article
A rhetorically accurate verb (argues, refutes, implies, etc.) preceding the author’s main claim/thesis written in YOUR OWN WORDS.
An explanation for the reasons and evidence the author uses to support the main claim/thesis
The author’s apparent purpose
The author’s intended audience
Paragraph #2: Academic Response

The paragraph will need to contain the following:
A topic sentence expressing your response specifically to the text (not the larger issue) and what the author is or is not doing in writing that lead you to this conclusion
Two or three sentences explaining/transitioning from your topic sentence into a quote from the article
A signal phrase leading into a quote from the article (textual evidence) that clearly exemplifies the claim you have made in your topic sentence
The in-text citation for the article must follow correct MLA 8th edition documentation guidelines—see #1, p. 123 in The Little Seagull Handbook
Two or three sentences explaining your evidence (the quote) and tying the evidence back to your topic sentence.

Do not use second person (you) anywhere in the assignment.
Proofread very carefully, especially for major grammatical errors. College papers are expected to be written in grammatically correct Standard Written English.
The assignment must adhere to the MLA format, 8th edition—including: typed, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman Font, 1” margins, Correct MLA heading, Correct MLA running head (last name and page number), Correct MLA in-text citation, Correct MLA Work Best paper writer websites, Custom term paper writing service and Research papers owl essays – Professional help in research projects for students – Cite d page
see #19, p. 144 in The Little Seagull Handbook-for the correct Work Best paper writer websites, Custom term paper writing service and Research papers owl essays – Professional help in research projects for students – Cite d format-the example is on the top of p. 146)
The grade for the Summary/Response Assignment #1 accounts for 10% of your ENC 1101 course grade and will be calculated as indicated below. Please the see the rubric attached to this assignment submission page.
Basic Formatting—10%
Academic Summary (Rhetorical Precis`) Paragraph—40%
Academic Response Paragraph—40%
Grammar/Mechanics/Sentence Structure—10%

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