
Pick 4 of the 5 topics listed below and teach the topic in 350-400 words. Assume the reader knows nothing about the topic and it is your job to teach the concept. Be creative. Use examples. You should not copy and cite a definition, instead try to explain it in your own words – the way you would explain it to a first year undergraduate student.

Do not plagiarize! If turnitin reports a similarity factor of more than 13%, I will take points off! (I will exclude titles for the topics that may be highlighted.) You have the option to resubmit your assignment up to three times if your similarity score is more than 13% until the due date.

Be sure to label each topic. The objective is for you to explain the concept. Thus, I recommend against the use of citations. If you do use citations please adhere to APA style.

Choose 4 of the following 5 topics:

Present value (PV) verse Future value (FV)
Coupon rate verse yield to maturity (YTM)
Required return
Operating cash flow (OCF)
Cash flow from assets (CFFA)

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Ace Tutors
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