Pick some current or historical regulation. Explain briefly the nature of the regulation. What are the laws, agencies, etc.? Explain the rationale for the regulation, what the sponsors of the regulation said they wanted to achieve, or what is on the surface considered to be the purpose of the regulation. From what you have learned in this course analyze the expected and actual effects of the regulation. Offer a judgment about it. Is it worthy, valuable, the most efficient way to achieve its aims, etc.The following are off-limits: Minimum wages, rent controls.Some candidates are:subsidies to farmers, anti-discrimination laws, protection from foreign producers, tax-exemptions, work-safety, the TSA, interstate commerce, regulation on the internet, and many others.The paper should be between 5 and 10 pages, double-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman. It will be checked for plagiarism. Please list all your sources at the end under references
Introduction to Vitamins and Minerals/Micronutrients and Energy
Chapter 8 – Micronutrients necessary for metabolism 1. (5 ) You have just returned from the Farmers Market. How will you store and prepare your foods to maintain micronutrient value. You purchased a bag of leafy greens, red and yellow peppers, and fresh green beans. You also bought a glass bottle of organic milk […]