• 2 peer reviewed resources (articles or papers) (1 may be from your annotated bibliography assignment)
  • TOPIC :::::  Paper MUST address:  How defense-in-depth (chapter 6) and awareness (chapter 10) are complimentary techniques to detect emerging threats and strengthen countermeasures.
  • Cited sources must directly support your paper (i.e. not incidental references)
  • At least 500 words in length (but NOT longer than 1000 words)

Admin Notes:

Ace homework tutors – APA Paper Formatting guidelines

1.Title page



4.Text citation and references


-As usual, the text is typed on standard white paper that has familiar parameters of 8.5″ x 11″.

-The Ace homework tutors – APA style requires using an easy to read font and recommends using a 12pt Times New Roman font.

-Double spacing is required on both the title page and throughout the paper.

-Margins should be 1″ concerning all sides of the page.

-Paragraph indentation should be set to one half inch from the left side of the page.

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Ace Tutors
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