From the syllabus: The purpose of this assignment is to explore the gender relations of the everyday world of spaces where criminal justice or social control is administered. These worlds include women as criminalized bodies, women as professionals such as lawyers, police officers, or judges, as well as administrative staff such as court clerks. Also, this includes women as mothers, girlfriend’s, friends, or wives of criminalized men.
The aim of the final research report is to use your field notes as data in discussing how gender is a part of the everyday regulating, disciplining, or managing women, and how gender intersects with class or race.
As you have chosen to use a shopping mall food court as your site to study gendered forms of social control, you need to conduct a thematic analysis of your field notes to determine how and when gender is managed, disciplined or policed in that space.
Here are the next steps for completing this assignment:
1. Review your field notes and if you haven’t already done so document your analytical comments of how and when gender is being managed or disciplined, as well as resisted by the women themselves.
2. Identify three key themes/findings in your data using this list as a guide. Tip: use a highlighter or colored pen throughout field notes
· presentation of self (how women dress or behave in the space you have studied (conformity, defiance, classed, etc)
· social relations (between women, or women and men in this space)
· gendered organization of work: intersections of race and class
· social exclusion or marginalization (how women are marginalized or ignored)
· agency or resistance (how do women assert their power or autonomy)
· forms of surveillance (security personal, the arrangement of space/seating, signs)
· personal technology: disciplines or manages space/time/interactions
· community life: how is the space used?.
3. Presentation of findings: summarize each key theme using examples from the field notes. This should be about 2-3 pages (750 words), depending on how much data you have. This is a very descriptive writing that relies on the data exclusively. Each theme should be identified as a subheading. The aim of your writing is to make the scenario fully understood by the reader.
4. Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion of findings: theorize or analyze your findings but connecting your data to some of the published research in the field. To simplify this process, I have provided articles to be used. They are available through Google Scholar. Get Social Science help today