Final Research Methods Proposal Criteria:
Title Page
• What are the main environmental and behavioral factors that enable music to influence perceived anxiety and stress, and how can it be used to help society?
• Written in Ace homework tutors – APA format
• Written in Ace homework tutors – APA format, 150-250 words
• The research problem that you propose to address
• Your hypothesis(es)
• Your research design (number and ages of participants, method of data collection)
• Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion of support (or lack of support) for hypothesis
• Importance/significance
• Broadly introduces the research question developed
• Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discusses the importance and relevance of this question and how it impacts an individual or society broadly
• Written in an objective tone and avoids making unsubstantiated claims (cites sources!)
Literature Review
• Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion of relevant literature
• Synthesis of that literature (not unconnected reviews of articles)
• Is focused on findings related to the research question (the results of those studies)
• Makes a compelling case for your study
• Provides basic transitions between themes of discussion
• Ends with hypothesis(es) derived from the literature (it should be clear from the literature review why you proposed this hypothesis)
Data and Method
• Clear description and rationale for the participants or subjects to be used in the study
• Clear description of participant selection
• Presents the measures to be used and how measurements are to be implemented
• Describes the methodological strategy for collecting and assessing data related to testable hypothesis
Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion
• Restates whether hypothesis was supported
• Use previous literature (discussed earlier in your proposal) to suggest why you found these results
• Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discusses the limitations of the study
• Provides ideas about future directions for the research
• Meets basic Ace homework tutors – APA style guidelines for referencing within text and in the reference list
• Contains a minimum of 10 peer-review articles linked to the research question explored
• Appropriate grammar, error-free spelling, and proper punctuation
• Good flow, transitions, and readability throughout
• Use of proper tense
• Overall length is appropriate (introduction/literature review is at least 7 full pages, and the introduction through discussion is around 12-15 pages)


Proposal Criteria for Final Research Methods: Title Page

• What are the primary environmental and behavioral factors that allow music to influence perceived anxiety and tension, and how can it be used to benefit society?

• Written in Ace homework tutors – APA style


• 150-250 words, written in Ace homework tutors – APA format

• The research problem you intend to address

• Explain your hypothesis (es)

• Your research strategy (number and ages of participants, method of data collection)

• Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion of hypothesis support (or lack thereof).

• Significance/importance


• Introduces the study question in broad strokes.

• Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discusses the significance and relevance of this subject, as well as how it affects an individual or society as a whole.

• Written in a neutral tone that avoids making unfounded statements (sources cited!)

Review of Literature

• Review of relevant literature

• Synthesis of that literature (not unconnected reviews

Published by
Research Helper
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