1.) I need help writing my essay – research paper complete the final draft of your essay this week. Keep in mind the emphasis on creating significance and communicating this to your readers in the conclusion of your essay. 

2.) Look for opportunities to surround facts and information with your own ideas and analysis if you can.

3.) Make sure your paper has a good title!  A “good” title often speaks to the main idea rather than the general topic of the paper. 

4.) Make sure to include your abstract and your Works Cited or References page.

5.) Before you submit your paper, make sure you edit and proofread carefully.  Attached are some proofreading “tips.”

6.) Reflective Essay: With your final draft, I”d like you to include a reflective essay, which is an essay where you describe or tell the story of your process writing the essay. Using Bloom’t Taxonomy as a reference, speak to the ways you engaged in the different tasks throughout your paper.  

These “action words” describe the cognitive processes by which thinkers encounter and work with knowledge. Think of the pyramid as a hierarchy of thinking which builds in complexity and specificity, and apply these concepts to what you have done in your paper. 

I need help writing my essay – research paper read out with any questions! 

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