Pt. 1 (500) words
Responses to each question 1-4 below should be answered fully and the question explored, should be (500) words total excluding references, and should be supported with scholarly research from outside internet sources, excluding wiki sources. Remember that well-written responses do not need to be excessively wordy. Be sure to paraphrase and cite your sources. Must be Ace homework tutors – APA format.
Check Your Understanding:
1. Explain the term corporate governance
2. Explain the importance of the “King I” and “King II’ reports.
3. Why do corporations need a board of directors?
4. What is the value of adding “outside directors?”

Pt. 2 (250) words
1. Which is more important to effective corporate governance: an audit committee or a compensation committee? Why? Explain your answer in (250) words excluding references.

Pt. 3 (500) words
Case Study
Review issue 9 below from Taking Sides. Which viewpoint do you side with? Why? Explain. Reference at least two outside resources that further support the viewpoint you side with. Must be (500) words excluding references.

Should Price Gouging Be Regulated? (Issue 9)
YES: Jeremy Snyder, from “What’s the Matter with Price Gouging?” Business Ethics Quarterly (vol. 19, no. 2, April 2009)
NO: Matt Zwolinski, from “Price Gouging, Non-Worseness, and Distributive Justice,” Business Ethics Quarterly (vol. 19, 2, April 2009)
YES: Jeremy Snyder contends that price gouging conflicts with the goal of equitable access to goods essential to a minimally flourishing human life. Efficient provision of essential goods is not sufficient to prevent serious inequities. Regulations are needed for equitable access.
NO: Matt Zwolinski argues that price gouging can be morally permissible, even though this does not mean that price gougers are morally virtuous. Considerations of the availability of institutional alternatives and distributive justice may render price gouging morally acceptable. In any case, regulations cannot be expected to resolve the moral issues more satisfactorily than the market itself.

Part 1 (500 words)
Responses to questions 1-4 below should be completely answered and the question investigated, be (500) words total excluding references, and be backed by scholarly research from outside online sources, excluding wiki sources. Keep in mind that well-written comments do not have to be too wordy. Make a point of paraphrasing and citing your sources. Ace homework tutors – APA format is required.
Check Your Understanding:
1. Define the phrase “corporate governance.”
2. Explain the importance of the “King I” and “King II’ reports.
3. Why do corporations need a board of directors?
4. What is the value of adding “outside directors?”

Pt. 2 (250) words 1. Which is more important to effective corporate governance: an audit committee or a compensation committee? Why? Explain your answer

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Research Helper
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