Explain how you could clinically differentiate between epiglottitis and severe pharyngiis in the field .
On the occasions when supraglottic airway is not successful in the field, list and explain the likely causes
Write a page paper – Describe the key differences involved in a rapid sequence induction when compared to routine anaesthesia
Compare and contrast percutaneous tracheostomy kits with other surgical airway procedures.
Explain why late phase asthma does not respond as well as early phase asthma to ventolin.
Explain the body habitus of a pink puffer and blue bloater
Explain the aetiology and management of negative pressure pulmonary oedema
With examples, describe the consequences of a ruptured pulmonary vein
The effects of new technology on life extension
The effects of new technology on life extension is a compelling medical topic for research paper. Learn about tech innovations that can prolong our life and discuss ethical issues connected with them. Introduction Human beings have always sought to extend their lifespan and improve their health. From ancient practices of medicine and alchemy to modern […]