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1 . In USA, minorities have been a very important quota in the sociocultural environment of the country. But over the years they have had to endure acts of discrimination. The nursing program has not been the exception. Minorities have had to overcome many barriers over the years, including: inferior academic preparation, financial problems, lack of tutoring opportunities, inadequate social support, among other barriers that slow down the learning cycle and in turn they demotivate the knowledge drive they have.
2 . In today’s organizations, including in the medical field, up to four or five generations can coexist in the same work team.
Each has a different way of interrelation, of communicating, not only at the level of language (oral or written) but also in ways of moving, manners, including everything related to the use of individual spaces, the way of dressing and approaching the partner . Let’s start by naming the 4 generations that are present in the nursing community today, highlighting the details that differentiate them from each other:
- Veterans: Born between 1922 and 1943. Some of the characteristics of those belonging to this generation are the following: dedication and sacrifice, hard work, conformism, respect for authority, patients, duty before pleasure, following the rules and honor. They are very traditional and conservative people. They suffered the consequences of the great depression and two world wars so they are the perfect reference for a generation that has endured great world events and they are here to tell. They are loyal to their convictions and find it difficult to get out of their comfort zone and take the first step to change the way they do things.
- Boomers: Born between 1944-1964. In general, they are people loyal to the company, with a focus on processes, looking for challenging and meaningful opportunities to continue growing at work and continue learning. Service oriented and formal “face to face” communication. In addition, they consider their current company as the only one in their entire career. What they value most is a company that can give them security and stability.
- Generation X: Born between 1965-1979. It brings together the spirit of cooperation as an engine of growth for the success of a company. They cannot be considered as digital natives because the technology at that time was rather limited and they are not considered Boomers because they were not born immediately after the end of World War II. This is what makes it a bridge generation, but which, unlike the rest, stands out for its power of conciliation, for its virtues of dialogue. It is about a generation that is committed to the world and that has lived marked by the emergence of consumerism. They tend to be flexible, adaptable, with general development interest, independent, creative and with the idea of changing systems
- Generation Y or Millennial: Born between 1980 and 1995. Very sociable and technological. Flexible scheme and constant feedback. Always prioritizing the balance of work with your personal life. This generation is characterized by looking for a job that makes them happy. In addition, they do not commit to any organization and are not afraid of a change at work. They like to undertake and make decisions and value knowledge over formalities. They adapt to the changing pace of projects without caring about failure.
3 . In a work environment in which 4 generations coexist daily, problems of different kinds will arise. Each one has a totally different personality and more if this different personality is added to the characteristics of their generational age, the situation will become a little more delicate. Lack of trust between one and the other.
The evidence seems to indicate that there are some areas associated with nursing performance in which there is an influence of belonging to a generation, such as the level of satisfaction, the use of technology and the courtesy guidelines considered adequate by people.
The issue ofthe use of technology is a recurring problem between generations, since thereare some such as X and Y that are much easier for them, the boomer generations and the old school generation take a long time to be able to answer or attend to the calls and messages sent by other team members.
In the same way, the treatment of patients is sometimes marked by each generation, for example Veterans tends to have a more formal treatment but with a cold tone, while Generation X tends to have treatment marked by freshness and spontaneity.
Teamwork can also be a determining factor, some generations, such as Veterans and Boomers, tend to be more committed to their performance and to their company than generations Y and X. These situations generally create internal conflicts.
- Houston, C. (2020) Professional issues in nursing: Challenges and opportunities. Philadelphia. Wolters Klumer.
- Wey Smola, K., & Sutton, C. D. (2002). Generational differences: Revisiting generational work values for the new millennium. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 23(4), 363-382.