2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay/01/five-questions-every-leader-should-ask-about-organizational-design

In the previous week, you described an organization, where you work or volunteer.  You will now critique the same organization’s design or structure.

To guide the discussion, consider the Harvard Business Review article from Beeson (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay), who presented “Five Questions Every Leader Should Ask About Organizational Design.” Beeson offered the following questions:

  • What is the business’ value proposition and its sources of competitive advantage?
  • Which organizational activities directly deliver on that value proposition?
  • Which organization structure should we choose, and how do we overcome its inherent downsides?
  • What type of leadership and culture are required to achieve the value proposition?
  • Which organizational practices are required to reinforce the organizational intent?

Online assignment help tutors – Discussion Prompts

For the weekly discussion, please respond to the following prompts or questions in a single paragraph. All responses should be in complete sentences. Do not simply respond to each question; weave the responses into a coherent paragraph.

  • Describe and evaluate the organizational structure of your organization.
  • Is the organization centralized or decentralized? I need help writing my essay – research paper explain.
  • Is it a tall or flat organization?
  • In the words of Beeson (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay), does the structure deliver on the organization’s value proposition and support its competitive advantage? I need help writing my essay – research paper explain.
  • How might you adjust or reinforce the structure to meet these ends?


Initial Post. The student will submit one primary post, which will respond to the discussion question(s) for the week. This post must (a) be a minimum of 200-300 words in length, (b) exhibit college-level writing, and (c) include a reference to an external resource, i.e. textbook, course lecture, scholarly article, or appropriate website. All references should follow proper citation rules in Ace homework tutors – APA format. The initial post must be submitted by Friday evening as to provide ample opportunity for feedback from classmates.

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