Course Name: Introduction to Sustainability Course Code: LSN 1113
Instructor Name:
Task Title: Debate
Learning Outcomes: CLO2
Due Date (duration if applicable): Week 10 Weighting: 10%

Student Name:

Student ID: Section:

Late Penalty:
Unless special circumstances are agreed with the course teacher regarding late submission, work submitted 1 working day late will be deducted 10%, 2 days late 20%, 3 days late 30% and any work submitted more than 3 days late will get a zero mark.
Academic Honesty:
Breaches of Academic Honesty will be treated with the utmost seriousness. You are reminded the penalties for cheating or plagiarism include dismissal from the HCT.
(for more information please refer to Academic and Student Regulations, HCT Academic Honesty Policy, Student Handbook)
Student Declaration:
This assignment is entirely my own work except where I have duly acknowledged other sources in the text and listed those sources at the end of the assignment. I have not previously submitted this work to the HCT. I understand that I may be orally examined on my submission.
Student Signature ___________________________ Date _______

For Examiner’s Use Only

Criterion No. 1 2 TOTAL
Marks Allocated 100
Marks Obtained

Course Team Leader: Date:

Second reviewer: Date:

1. Instructions
You are required to give a 2-3 minute debate speech, presenting your argument using a multidisciplinary approach.
One week before the debate you will:
• Form a group of 6 people.
• Each group will be two teams debating one sustainability issue – one team will debate one side of the topic, the other team will debate the other side
• Be assigned a role in that team (Speaker 1, Speaker 2,..). Each speaker should focus on one point related to one sustainability perspective (the 3 pillars of sustainability). You need to discuss your point from an environmental, social and economic perspective. The three pillars must be covered by each team.
Preparation for the debate:
• Research your topic
• Decide with team members which argument you will have (each student must have separate points)
• Prepare your speech argument, you must be able to speak for 2 to 3 mins.
• Submit a piece of written evidence with key points and numbers supporting your point: you need to show concrete evidence (numbers, statistics, prices, etc.). You need to have 1-2 pages in total with key bullet points.
• Think of possible rebuttals (counter arguments) to the other team
• Practice your speech (you should be comfortable with the speech, so you only use your notes to help you, not read from them)
• Bring your summary written notes with you to the debate as proof of your preparatory work.
During the debate:
• Give your debate speech of 2-3 minutes (at 3 minutes 30 seconds you will be asked to stop). Short or over-length speeches will be penalized
• Listen to speakers on the other team and try to give rebuttals (at the end of the debate)
Students not participating in a debate:
• Must listen to the debate and be prepared to ask questions afterwards
• At all times be respectful to all participants – BE QUIET AND PAY ATTENTION

AFFIRMATIVE – or PROs (1st team) NEGATIVE or CONs (2nd team)
First speaker Environmental Perspective 2nd speaker
1. Outlines briefly the team’s position on topic 1. Outlines briefly the team’s position
2. Presents the 1st affirmative point 2. Presents the 1st negative point
3rd speaker Social Perspective 4th Speaker
1. Presents 2nd affirmative point 1. Presents 2nd negative point
5th speaker Economic Perspective 6th Speaker
1. Presents 3rd affirmative point 1. Presents 3rd negative point
2. Briefly concludes 2. Briefly concludes
End of Debate Rebuttals
Team 1 = 2 minutes to rebut any arguments from the opposing team
Team 2 = 2 minutes to rebut any arguments from the opposing team

2. Assessment
Each student will be assessed on their individual speech – see marking criteria below.
Each group chooses one of the sustainability issues (energy, water, food or waste) as their basic topic. A list of debatable points will be provided for each group to choose from.
GRADING/MARKING for the debate/individual marks

Achievement that does not meet the requirements Achievement that minimally meets the course requirements Achievement that satisfactorily meets the course requirements Achievement that is significantly above the course requirements
Achievement that is outstanding relative to the course requirements
Significantly below course requirements
Below course requirements

1. Subject knowledge: Understanding of the sustainability issue.

70% 0-29
Unable to evidence or articulate basic principles and knowledge related to the subject. Information may be irrelevant, incomplete and/or inaccurate.

Explanation and reasoning is wholly lacking. May demonstrate a total misunderstanding of the task: shows no evidence
Limited knowledge of subject. Information may be significantly irrelevant, incomplete and/or inaccurate making information hard to follow logically.

Explanation and reasoning is not easily discernible, complete or logical. Main points lack support:
evidence presented but largely not relevant.

Some evidence of understanding key aspects of the subject, but details are lacking. Some irrelevancies and inaccuracies.

Explanation and reasoning is not easily discernible, complete or logical. Main points lack support: presents some relevant evidence but only qualitative 67-76
Generally accurate understanding of key aspects of the subject. Some irrelevancies and inaccuracies

Explanation and reasoning is generally well-formed, complete and logical. Most main points are backed-up, though not always with sufficient supporting evidence and examples, as required: Presents relevant evidence, but does not cover all necessary points.

Accurate extensive understanding of subject. Minor irrelevancies and inaccuracies.

All explanation reasoning is fully-formed, complete and wholly logical. Most main points are backed-up with sufficient supporting evidence and examples, as required: Presents relevant evidence, mostly quantitative


Complete and full understanding of subject. Extensive evidence of appreciation of the relative significance of all relevant aspects of the subject.

All explanation and reasoning is fully-formed, complete and wholly logical. All main points are backed-up with sufficient supporting evidence and examples, as required
Brings in additional interesting facts beyond the class material, evidence is quantitative.
Grading/Marking Comments:
2.Delivery (Performance/Spoken

30% 0-29
Unable to complete the talk. 30-59
Difficulty in completing talk or has memorized script without engaging audience. Major problems with enunciation, portions of speech unheard or unintelligible. Poor management of time.
Able to complete talk. Contains many mistakes. Voice and enunciation are ineffective. Little engagement with audience. Seldom attempts repair and recovery strategies. Some aspects of the presentation used time well, but overall better time management is required. 67-76
Delivers adequately well-paced and rehearsed talk. Clear enunciation but use of voice is inconsistent. Engages and maintains audience some of the time. Attempts repair and recovery strategies. Inconsistent attention to the alignment of the presentation task and time allowed affected the outcome of the presentation 77-86
Delivers well-paced and rehearsed talk. Contains a few mistakes. Clear enunciation and effectively uses voice most of the time. Engages and maintains audience. Occasional lapses in repair and recovery strategies. Good use of the allocated time.
Confidently delivers well-paced and extensively rehearsed talk with no mistakes. Consistently uses clear enunciation and effectively uses voice. Engages and maintains audience throughout. Fully focused and skillfully demonstrates repair and recovery strategies. Excellent use of time.
Grading/Marking Comments: /30

Total /100

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Ace Tutors
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