The journal is a record of reflections about your own experiences, attitudes, opinions, and feelings in relation to the material and within the context of the themes we are examining in the course. Each entry should explore the content of the week’s topic in relation to your own experience and academic knowledge. The entries are to critically engage with the resources and dialogue provided in the course.
Assignment Instructions
Think back on your own experience and past perspective. Based on this week’s course material and discussion forum, reflect on the following questions:
What did “covenant” mean for the ancient Israelites?
What’s the significance of God’s covenant for your life today?
Assignment Scope
Submission at least 500 words
Written in Times New Roman font
Written in 12 point font
Paper is double-spaced
Note: This assignment will be checked for plagiarism through Learn “How to Avoid Plagiarism” by following the steps below. Always review the University’s Academic Integrity Policy statement regarding plagiarism.
How to Avoid Plagiarism
Submit a draft version of your written work prior to the deadline in order to see a preview of the Originality Report. The report will take several minutes to process after your submission so you may have to come back to view it later.
You can access the Originality Report by clicking on the Similarity link next to your submitted text or file in the Grading Homework help – Summary below. The Similarity link will appear about 5 minutes after your submission and will show an initial originality percentage.
After reviewing the Originality Report, revise any content in your writing that is seen as a direct copy from other sources, as shown in the Originality Report.
To reduce the chances for plagiarism, always add quotation marks around any words that you have copied from other sources and include a properly formatted reference to those sources within the text of your paper, as well as on a References page.
To completely avoid any potential for plagiarism, rewrite the content using your own words to paraphrase it rather than directly quoting it.
In either case, always cite your sources within the text and on the References page, whether you directly quote or paraphrase someone else’s writing