HJS 250
Fall 2020
Professor Macdonald

Due on 1 October 2020 by 11:00PM

In the Politics Aristotle argues that man is by nature a political animal, that the political community/polis exists prior to the individual, and that both individuals and political communities aim at the same end: happiness. In his Discourse on the Origin of Inequality Rousseau asserts that man is by nature good, but has been made bad by the institutions and realities of society and politics. Therefore, Rousseau claims, our current society is characterized by “political freedom” which really doesn’t generate any authentic freedom for the vast majority of the population. Who do you think is right about the relationship between political society on the one hand and human freedom, happiness and justice on the other hand – Rousseau or Aristotle (or neither)? Is it possible for justice to exist in a political community, or is it only in what Rousseau refers to as the “original condition of mankind” that we might be able to establish and protect justice?
• Your paper should have a substantial introduction where you present your thesis and what you will argue in the rest of the paper. The points you make in the body of the paper should be well supported with short quotes, appropriately cited, from the books. The paper should end with a substantial conclusion. Read the assignment carefully.
• In your analysis you must do more than simply state your support for or opposition to Aristotle or Rousseau. Argue for your position.
• Regardless of the view you are defending, be sure to think of one important objection to your position. State the objection clearly, document it with textual evidence, and respond to it.
• Your essay must be organized according to the development and defense of a thesis statement. Anyone reading your essay should be able to identify your thesis statement, the objection you consider, and the conclusion you defend.
• Use effective language to introduce your thesis and objection. For example: “I will argue that Rousseau’s critique of political society is . . .” Or, “One could object to my view by arguing . . .”
• Be sure to offer textual evidence for the view you are defending (including quoted passages). Be careful to avoid making textual references you do not explain and to avoid excessive citation of the text.
• I need help writing my essay – research paper type your essay in a standard font and size (no italics, etc.), double-spaced, and three to four pages long (not including your references page). DO not turn in an essay that is longer than four pages.
• Be sure to proofread your essay. It should be free of errors in spelling and grammar.
• Use the Ace tutors for Research Essay Pro UK Writings – APA format for citation and include a Reference page.
• The final copy of your essay is due on turnitin.com by 11:00PM on Thursday 1 October 2020. Be sure to turn your essay in on time or you will lose 10 points for each day that it is late.

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