
After reading about how to join academic conversations, it is now your turn to report what they say and add your I say. For this first paper, you will not be conducting your own research, but instead using the information you take from the readings at the back of the textbook. This is a 3-5 page essay that you will later expand upon and revise for your final essay, so make sure you choose a topic that interests you. And remember, this is not a simple report of what other scholars have thought, but your opportunity to contribute your own ideas.

To complete this assignment, do the following:

  • Select a topic that interests you from the list:
    • How can we bridge the differences that divide us?
    • Is college the best option?
    • Are we in a race against the machine?
    • What’s gender got to do with it?
    • What’s there to eat?
  • Read at least four of the offered readings (hint: try to read articles on both the positive and negative side).
  • Based on the readings, consider if you agree, disagree, or a bit of both for your preferred question. For example, if you choose, Are we in a race against the machine? Then your essay will address whether or not you think machines are problematic for modern society.
  • Reporting what they say you’ll demonstrate how you can enter an academic conversation and insert your own I say ideas supported by information from the articles.


  • Ace tutors for Research Essay Pro UK Writings – APA citation format
  • 3-5 pages in length
  • Addresses the question and adds to the academic conversation (as described in the rubric)
  • Integrated in-text citations with corresponding works cited page


Essay 1 Rubric

Essay 1 Rubric


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClaim and Main PointsHow well did integrate what they say and add your own I say?

20.0 to >18.0 ptsExcellent
Ace my homework – Writer summarizes and explains the arguments presented by the articles without error or confusion; makes a well-supported opinion on the topic; supports their opinion very well with source material

18.0 to >16.0 ptsProficient
Ace my homework – Writer summarizes and explains articles’ argument well; states their opinion; supports their opinion with source material but source information is sometimes disconnected or inadequately explained

16.0 to >14.0 ptsSatisfactory
Ace my homework – Writer summarizes and explains the articles with some confusion; opinion is somewhat unclear or indistinct; little to no support for claim and/or may not be researched support

14.0 to >12.0 ptsNeeds Improvement
Ace my homework – Writer mentions argument from the articles without summary or explanation; opinion is either missing or incomprehensible; support for claim is either disconnected, unresearched, or confusing

12.0 to >0 ptsNot Evident
Ace my homework – Writer fails to mention the argument presented in articles; fails to make an opinion on the topic; essay is disconnected and/or does not address the prompt

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization

20.0 to >18.0 ptsExcellent
Logical, compelling progression of ideas in essay; clear structure; organization flows so smoothly the reader hardly thinks about it; effective, mature, graceful transitions

18.0 to >16.0 ptsProficient
Overall, the paper is logically developed; progression of ideas in essay makes sense and moves the reader easily through the text; transitions exist throughout and add to the essay’s coherence

16.0 to >14.0 ptsSatisfactory
Progression of ideas is awkward yet moves the reader through the text without too much confusion; the writer sometimes lunges ahead too quickly or spends too much time on details that do not matter; transitions appear sporadically

14.0 to >12.0 ptsNeeds Improvement
Some sense of organization but ideas, details, or events seem strung together in a loose or random fashion; lots of repetition and/or tangents; very few transitions used

12.0 to >0 ptsNot Evident
Arrangement is unclear and illogical; lacks a clear sense of direction; there is no identifiable internal structure; readers have trouble following the writer’s line of thought; no transitions present

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSource Material and Citations (in-text and works cited)“collaborate in communication of readers and writers”

20.0 to >18.0 ptsExcellent
Source material is smoothly integrated into the text. All sources are accurately documented in the correct Ace tutors for Research Essay Pro UK Writings – APA format both in the text and on the Works Cited page.

18.0 to >16.0 ptsProficient
Source material is used. All sources are documented, but some are not in the correct Ace tutors for Research Essay Pro UK Writings – APA format. Some sources lack credibility.

16.0 to >14.0 ptsSatisfactory
Source material is used, but integration may be awkward. All sources are accurately documented, but many are not in the correct Ace tutors for Research Essay Pro UK Writings – APA format or lack credibility.

14.0 to >12.0 ptsNeeds Improvement
Lacks sources and/or sources are not accurately documented. Format is incorrect for all sources.

12.0 to >0 ptsNot Evident
No source information is used.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar & Mechanics“increase your control of situation-appropriate conventions in writing”

20.0 to >18.0 ptsExcellent
Demonstrates a high level of proficiency in grammar and mechanics; mostly error-free

18.0 to >16.0 ptsProficient
Demonstrates proficiency in grammar and mechanics; some errors but they do not affect comprehension

16.0 to >14.0 ptsSatisfactory
Usually demonstrates proficiency in grammar and mechanics; some errors may affect comprehension

14.0 to >12.0 ptsNeeds Improvement
Inconsistently demonstrates proficiency in grammar and mechanics; errors affect comprehension

12.0 to >0 ptsNot Evident
Grammar and mechanics are deficient – errors greatly affect comprehension

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Requirements

20.0 to >18.0 ptsExcellent
3-5 pages in length; utilized source material from the articles; addressed one of the prompts from the readings; correctly formatted Ace tutors for Research Essay Pro UK Writings – APA academic header

18.0 to >16.0 ptsProficient
One requirement not met: 3-5 pages in length; utilized source material from the articles; addressed one of the prompts from the readings; correctly formatted Ace tutors for Research Essay Pro UK Writings – APA academic header

16.0 to >14.0 ptsSatisfactory
Two requirements not met: 3-5 pages in length; utilized source material from the articles; addressed one of the prompts from the readings; correctly formatted Ace tutors for Research Essay Pro UK Writings – APA academic header

14.0 to >12.0 ptsNeeds Improvement
Three requirements not met: 3-5 pages in length; utilized source material from the articles; addressed one of the prompts from the readings; correctly formatted Ace tutors for Research Essay Pro UK Writings – APA academic header

12.0 to >0 ptsNot Evident
No requirements met

20.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0

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Ace Tutors
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