a)  You will write a problem/solution proposal. Consider your experience at UHV and identify a problem or an aspect of the institution that could be improved. This could be related to course offerings, facilities, procedures, or extracurricular or employment opportunities. The only topic off-limits is a proposal for cheaper tuition. (If you want to address the cost, then offer a different kind of solution.)
Share your proposal with the class. What problem will you be addressing and what solution will you propose?
b)  Ace my homework – Write a proposal that offers a solution to a problem at UHV. Your proposal needs to do the following: 
·  define the problem 
·  suggest a solution 
·  identify the audience that can implement the solution 
·  discuss the procedure for solving the problem and the reasons why the solution is feasible
·  conclude with a call to action. 
Your proposal should be in the memo format. Make sure you address the memo to the appropriate audience.
c)  Select a website related to an interest of yours. For example, I enjoy writing, so I might select the website of a literary journal. Using the elements of good website design discussed on pages 93-95 of our notes (How should I design Web pages?), write an evaluation of the website. Is it effective? Why or why not? Consider things like the way it presents information, its visual appeal and upload speed, and whether or not it is functioning properly. Present your findings in a paragraph of at least 350 words. Proper use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling counts. Also, make sure you identify the website by providing its name.
d)  Imagine that we are in a face-to-face class, and I’ve asked you to present the research paper that you submitted a couple of weeks ago. Rather than read your essay aloud, I’d like you to use powerpoint slides to guide your discussion of the topic. Create a powerpoint presentation about your research topic. Use at least 5 slides. The presentation should be appropriate for your fellow students. It should also adhere to the design standards discussed in our presentation and web notes on pages 92-93 (How should I design presentation slides?). Make sure you proofread carefully.

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